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In this case , if they dont want to spend money on the ride why would they even bother with getting it up and running with water dummies for testing if they don't plan on opening it this year? Literally doesn't make sense.
Because part of commissioning is testing the ride. Intamin has no interest in dragging things out. The park however can do whatever they want with the ride after its signed over by the manufacturer.
A lot of that testing was done before restrictions were eased then later removed, so it was uncertain what circumstances the park was going to find itself in so in short they adjusted to market conditions as the season has gone on.

However, on topic - even when this ride is up and running, does anyone actually use it for transportation over just getting a chance to sight-see?

I tend to use it for transportation in the main season and for the views during HOS and CT.
However, on topic - even when this ride is up and running, does anyone actually use it for transportation over just getting a chance to sight-see?
Yep. The segment from Germany to the front of the park is particularly convenient later in the day, when adults and kids alike sometimes have tired legs and cranky dispositions. Depending on the length of the line, it doesn't always win for speed vs. the three primary walking options. But as each of those walking options can be a chore if some members of your party are dragging, the point-to-point convenience of the sky ride is tops.

I like to arrive at the park as early as possible and then stay until close, strolling the paths to take in as many sights as possible on the way out. But of course not everyone (von) rolls that way...
But of course not everyone (von) rolls that way

I see what you did there...

I feel like the skyride is not particularly convenient vs. walking or taking the trains to most attractions, their allure is mostly the views you get while going to Germany, France, or Scotland depending on where you depart. However, I totally see relatively easier trip to the front of the park from LotD being a plus at the end of the day.
Plus it's part of the BGW experience. We live in New York and my kids, now 19 and 14, have loved the ambience since they were 9 and 4. It's one of the few places that have survived the inevitable change in tastes growing children experience., even with a 10 hour drive. From what I've read on this forum things have started to decline at BGW. I hope its only negative bias that seems to pervade some fan forums and not a common point-of-view.
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