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RE: Pass Member Weekend 2013

Horseboy, I think the park may actually open earlier like around 9am. Can somebody confirm the time?
Zach I noticed you said one of two hamlets for the 2014 project, but I can confirm it is Festa Italia that the test was done, right in front of Apollo's Chariot actually.
Come on you guys, the thing starts in 12 hours! What are your predictions?

I'm calling the following:
1. Fancy Howl-O-Scream announcement
2. Fairly in-depth Christmas Town presentation
3. Europe in the Air replacement announcement or the return of Corkscrew Hill
4. London Rocks! announcement or teaser
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They seem to have been emphasizing food and beverage a lot recently. Is there any chance they will talk separately about those initiatives? Or would that just be rolled into the other events?

I ask because I think that is one thing the park has been doing really well recently. Even before the F&WF. Do y'all remember last year when they had the in- park competition between the two food teams?
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1. Howl-o-Scream, everything we already know with a twist
2. Christmas Town, new pass deal announced and a look at a few new decor, maybe a new area
3. Europe in the Air replacement or Festa Italia stuff or both?
CK predictions:
- Jack the Ripper kidnaps unsuspecting "victim". Crowd goes wild.
- SG still takes the stage out of pure arrogance and irregardless of boos...cause, you iPad.
- EITA 2 announced
- Possible softening of anger due to CT unlimited Pass released for Pass Members.
- Pork Shanks, Bacon & Adult Grilled Cheese brought out to taunt someone in the crowd.
- CK possibly gets kicked out of the Festhaus.
- Zombie Village Band plays music as the crowd exits at the end.
From what I've been told, the F&WF lost a ton of money, not saying it won't be back it seems to be a pet project of someone. They've addressed the train question every year, it's not coming back. I want them to address the "negative work environment in the entertainment department and how up and down the east coast performers are now shunning BG and are being told not to work here. They keep having people walk off and noone to replace them, what's going to happen to the entertainment? It's pretty bad when the KD shows are getting better than BG.
Zoomy said:
From what I've been told, the F&WF lost a ton of money, not saying it won't be back it seems to be a pet project of someone.

Carl Lum takes the credit for F&WF. He said it was his idea that he got from Epcot, at least that was the story he gave one of my sources. With that said, I actually heard the F&WF did much better than they expected, plus the people that did go and enjoy it, didn't just enjoy it but loved it.

I just can't imagine it didn't do too well, unless the cost of the stands outweighed everything. But now that they have those stands, they can continue to reuse them.
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Atlantis said:
Party Rocker said:
I actually heard the F&WF did much better than they expected

That is actually incorrect. It was rushed to be implemented this year as a cash grab and fell victim to lack of advertisement. As a result it just barely broke even thus tying up funds that could have been used elsewhere until Quarter's end.

Atlantis is the most accurate of what I have seen anyone say.
I will be braving the crowds today, for my personal up to date coverage of the event plus maybe some HOS pics, follow me at @BGWFanPR on Twitter.
1. HOS update with a demon DJ in the background spinning out some mad tunes
2. CT update
3. New England Show announced
4. EITA Replacement
5. 2015 Ride Announcement
6. Guests being served adult grilled cheese sandwiches during the presentation.
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