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Just want to throw this out there, but "Mad" King Ludwig was a real person. Some people don't believe me when I tell them that. I did a three-page report on him for history class. (I had to choose a political leader. There was no debate in my mind as to who to write about :) )
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I think I may have posted quite the info on that a handful of pages previously. King Ludwig is one of my favorite people in history. I had the opportunity to travel to his castle during the winter once. The walk up the hill exhausting. Loved his study though.
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I wish they would change the story inside the ride.

They give you this great back story and then make the first half of the ride MTV Cribs, Black Forest style and then suddenly Mad Ludwig becomes a wolf and dies.
I've always been wondering how they came across wolves. I was never able to make the connection. My only understanding is that you are touring his castle and his ghost comes to trap you like his party guests so long ago. The entire time your trying to escape the castle.
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