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Not sure if the below is due to requirements for masks, vaccinations, and/or both, but this is something to keep an eye on...

It’s the same thing with movie theaters (although they aren’t open to max capacity). I can’t help but wonder how big budget movies and performance arts are going to make their comeback😕
The music/performing arts industry is taking the initiative and staring to require vax or a negative test. They are not waiting for a government issued mandate. There are multiple music venues in Richmond taking this approach. All are also requiring masks. I would be willing to speculate that BG will start to require masks indoors as opposed to recommend.
The music/performing arts industry is taking the initiative and staring to require vax or a negative test. They are not waiting for a government issued mandate. There are multiple music venues in Richmond taking this approach. All are also requiring masks. I would be willing to speculate that BG will start to require masks indoors as opposed to recommend.
Live Nation and several artists that frequent their venues have done the same.

Sounds like this is the route that it's going to have to go in this country. Lawsuits have clearly laid out that individual companies and businesses can operate as they see best for them and have that freedom to do something like require a vaccine of negative test. And I kinda wonder if the government prefers it this way to avoid too many challenges to the law of requiring it.

I wonder if regional parks might start to try to do days with requirements and days without requirements (not saying this is a good idea) as it kinda splits the difference if one weekend there's no restrictions and the next there are restrictions.

Bot (most) companies are smart and we will see if SEAS follows as more and more companies are requiring employees to be vaccinated or have a negative test once a week. I think this is honestly the first domino to fall. My employer is pushing for a 90% vaccinated rate. Our HQ is at 96% and company wide is up to 78%. Thats more people going to places like BGW that are vaccinated as employers incintivice getting vaccinated. As more and more employers do so, I think that more companies will be willing to require visitors to have vaccines.
I'm looking at a situation right now the venue changed policies in the last 3 days, after buying a ticket. Considering demanding refund. However I appreciate that a concert indoors is a far more intense environment and was at least expecting to mask up for first time since spray painting a couple months ago. Most of a theme park is more comparable to going shopping, and they can require vax the moment they are willing to do without my money or accept an antibody test.
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In the grand scheme of things if they decide to add such requirements, it'll deter many of the unvaccinated people from potentially causing a spread event of either the normal or Delta variant. Yes, vaccinated people can also spread too, but from what I can tell the medical science community has determined it's an incredibly low risk in comparison so the focus is protecting those who actually can't vaccinate.

If you don't wish to comply with their rules then that's on you when you aren't getting the full benefit of any paid admission since it's fully within your power to get vaccinated or at least tested and be able to share the results, they're otherwise not stopping you from entering the park (such as extremely reduced capacities and/or outright closure).
or at least tested and be able to share the results, they're otherwise not stopping you from entering the park (such as extremely reduced capacities and/or outright closure).
This is the part of these that blow my mind so much. Getting tested isn’t a terrible compromise. If that stops you the issue seems to be something else.
This is the part of these that blow my mind so much. Getting tested isn’t a terrible compromise. If that stops you the issue seems to be something else.

Is the park able to contract anyone to offer rapid test services to eliminate the huge inconvenience of testing in advance?
In the grand scheme of things if they decide to add such requirements, it'll deter many of the unvaccinated people from potentially causing a spread event of either the normal or Delta variant. Yes, vaccinated people can also spread too, but from what I can tell the medical science community has determined it's an incredibly low risk in comparison so the focus is protecting those who actually can't vaccinate.

If you don't wish to comply with their rules then that's on you when you aren't getting the full benefit of any paid admission since it's fully within your power to get vaccinated or at least tested and be able to share the results, they're otherwise not stopping you from entering the park (such as extremely reduced capacities and/or outright closure).
I'm hearing the vaccinated have the same viral load and very well could be just as contagious, the protection is mainly to oneself.

I go to an amusement park an average of once a week and have plenty of antibodies. Even if I was willing to get a test every week, who pays for it?
I'm hearing the vaccinated have the same viral load and very well could be just as contagious, the protection is mainly to oneself.

I go to an amusement park an average of once a week and have plenty of antibodies. Even if I was willing to get a test every week, who pays for it?

So I may have not been as informed on my last comment, but the basic underlying thought that vaccinated people are a far lower risk to other vaccinated people still seems to be true - in theory if the park were to restrict to only vaccinated or tested guests there would still be some risk but far less than the current mixed scenario.

However, good point about testing - also, like I asked above, could the park provide a rapid test service at the gate?
Is the park able to contract anyone to offer rapid test services to eliminate the huge inconvenience of testing in advance?
No, like these other places that are requiring a negative test or proof of vaccination, it is on you as the park goer to provide it. However since there is less strain on the testing system, it's easier to get one.

Like I said though, if your options are vaccinate or get tested, any business that has this policy isn't forcing anyone to do anything against their will. They are giving you the conditions at which you can be there, which is far within your rights. I do feel many many businesses are going to go this route and if someone doesn't want to spend money at a place because of this, then sorry your options will become limited. It's a choice everyone has to make and I don't feel bad saying "tough shit" if someone doesn't even want to get a test that shows they don't have COVID.
I'm not opposed to any of those measures, more understanding that people whom otherwise would have no issue with the restrictions would be turned away because they didn't plan in advance to get tested first.

If the park had a way to do rapid testing to streamline the process and eliminate the inconvenience, they'd also mitigate some of the backlash from irate people - they can't make up excuses as a reason to gain entry without a test since a test center is available right there.
I'm not opposed to any of those measures, more understanding that people whom otherwise would have no issue with the restrictions would be turned away because they didn't plan in advance to get tested first.

If the park had a way to do rapid testing to streamline the process and eliminate the inconvenience, they'd also mitigate some of the backlash from irate people - they can't make up excuses as a reason to gain entry without a test since a test center is available right there.
If any entertainment venue was offering it at the door I would agree.

However you need a lab, lab techs, places for people to wait, sanitary conditions, you need a plan of what to do with everyone should there be a positive result…basically, no place in their right mind will offer this at the door.

As I alluded to though, if an employer requires their employees to vaccinate or test weekly then this policy won’t be a problem because you’ll have one or another already.

Keep in mine a negative test for one week is quite the leeway. Right now cruises require it 48 hours in advance then daily when on the ship.

And I’m sorry but continually trying to find ways to pander to a group where there’s already means to do what’s asked is silly to me. Like, why should BGW spend the money to set up testing when the person showing up should know it’s a condition of entering and there’s places readily available to get it done. It’s like going to a restaurant that’s got a rule of no jeans, showing up in jeans, and expecting there to be a way to get something else to wear.
I'm hearing the vaccinated have the same viral load and very well could be just as contagious, the protection is mainly to oneself.

I go to an amusement park an average of once a week and have plenty of antibodies. Even if I was willing to get a test every week, who pays for it?

So I may have not been as informed on my last comment, but the basic underlying thought that vaccinated people are a far lower risk to other vaccinated people still seems to be true - in theory if the park were to restrict to only vaccinated or tested guests there would still be some risk but far less than the current mixed scenario.

However, good point about testing - also, like I asked above, could the park provide a rapid test service at the gate?
Yes and no. The Vaccine has been shown to very considerably reduce one's chance of contracting Covid-19. For those that do still catch it after getting vaccinated, they are able to spread the Delta variant specifically; although they might be less likely to spread the other variants. This means that, based on ballpark efficacy figures, only roughly 1-5 out of 20 individuals who would have caught and been able to spread the virus, will do so vaccinated.
It's posted but at least at the first maze I went to there was ZERO enforcement!!!


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I really wish they would at least require them indoors/in queues or enforce the 6 ft markers in queues.
That’s just a catch-22 though, they already don’t have staff, so some staff will get pulled to guard the lines, which will make longer lines which will need more staff or more line that isn’t guarded
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