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People getting hit with loose articles has already happened before multiple times at Great Adventure itself. I've been hit with phones and a few other guests unfortunately have, too. The state knows guests do not listen to the safety spiels and the park's new "cell phone spiel" so they don't want to take any risk with some idiot taking out his phone on Ka and losing it as Zumanjaro is climbing the tower. Getting hit by a cell phone at 70 mph will break bones, at 128 mph it might kill you.

It just happens that the state decided on this measure before Great Adventure adopted the new cell phone policy. So considering the state proved their own point that people don't listen makes it seem to me like they're not gonna back down on the operations of Ka and Zumanjaro.

It's not like entrance attendants can do anything either. No loose articles are allowed on the side due to risk of being stolen, and most people keep the shit on them in the first place. They can't tell people to empty their pockets before riding and put it in a locker because that's a major breach of privacy AND people will lie and say their pockets are empty anyways. The guests themselves take that risks but they put other guests in danger doing stupid stuff like that instead of themselves.
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