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Feb 6, 2013
Portsmouth, Va
This is a thread for unpopular opinions. Be honest, and if you agree with the persons opinion, "thank" them, if not, don't be ugly towards them, not everyone agrees with your opinions! Say it loud and proud!

Shane said:
Making an adjustment to the rules of this thread. Do not respond to someone else's post or say I agree or disagree with them. If you agree, "Thank" the post and move on if you disagree don't respond to that person's post, but you are welcome to post your own "honest opinion."

For instance:

IMO Verbolten is better than BBW.
Progress is progress, I can fly around in a bucket or go on a wicked cool double launch multi-sensory experience. I vote the latter. I know this will hurt some peoples feelings, but remember, this is MY opinion.
^Hey now, most everybody here is a "fan" of BGT (whether they've actually been to it or not)! After all, BGT is not deteriorating quite as much as BGW is yet...

Now, on a completely unrelated note, I am starting to respect Kings Dominion as a park more than I currently do BGW. GASP!! As surprised as I am to say it, Kings Dominion is actually looking back at its roots and planning to regain its soul and charm again, trying to bring the park back to its former glory that was once loved. Sadly, with a certain VP of Entertainment at BGW, Busch Gardens seems to be taking some BGW-ified variation of the plummet KD's quality once took when Paramount took over (see: Scott = Paramount).

tl;dr - I respect Kings Dominion's latest decisions more than those of Busch Gardens --deal with it.
CoasterDude3000 said:
What exactly is Kings Dominion?
I don't mean to come of as offending you, but are you joking? If not, I will be more than happy to PM you or create a thread all about it. Kings Dominion, basically, is a Cedar Fair-owned theme park an hour or so away from BGW which is about the same size as (if not larger than) BGW, and is easily BGW's closest competitor. It used to have a great old-fashioned theme park charm, but Paramount (the movie company) bought the park in the 90's and basically ruined it. After Cedar Fair bought it in 2006, the park has steadily been improving again. Hope this helps!

Back on topic now...
He gets some slack since he is apart of the BGTFans Network. He lives in Florida,so obviously doesn't know much about the parks up here in Virginia. If you would like to know about Kings Dominion, then simply check out the official site or you can also check out KDFans (one of the other ParkFans Networks sites) for information on the latest happenings at Kings Dominion such as the 40th Anniversary Celebration or my latest Haunt review.

Now that's enough of my own site advertising for this post so back with the topic at hand and if you have any questions about to park, don't be afraid to send me a PM regarding anything. My knowledge of the park is a bit extensive to some extent.
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