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This loop just goes on and on and on and on....

EDIT: Thoughts on the ride.

-Premier looks to have made another good installation
-That loop has HANG TIME
-Smooth as melted butter <3

-Incredibly short
-Looks like it's going to be a capacity nightmare
-"enjoy the ride" when it's 2/3rds of the way done
-Horrible color scheme
-Ozzy Osbourne + Doctor P = Ear Poison
Solid design, but like you said, terrible capacity. I wonder how many issues it's going to have with the backwards launch. Sounds like an easier way to confuse the computer to be honest.
Oh east coast people... Never seen an outdoor ride station before. lol.

It's actually not too uncommon for a ride to be completely outdoors, though this honestly looks like they just rushed with certain parts of the ride to get it ready for opening day.
The ride's been getting pretty rave reviews lately despite the short layout. Strangely enough, everyone seems to love the ending of the ride.

The backwards launch is actually part of the ride's design. It's basically a rocking launch similar to Superman Ultimate Skyloop. I don't think it'll be the most problematic thing on the ride.

The ride is basically designed with two trains in mind. One train clears the top hat before the next is launched. If it had three trains, there would always be a train stacked behind the train loading into the station.

I agree that the park rushed the ride opening, but the coaster itself looks pretty amazing. Hopefully the park will get everything else finished in time. I'm surprised the tunnel effects weren't working on opening day.
I waited forever to see videos of POV rides from this coaster. It looks Kick@$$!! I LOVE how it has a top hat. Hopefully they won't be the only one in the US to have that one day. I won't ever get to ride it, but I can just live vicariously through other's vids on YT.#YOLO

I have so many questions... how does one manage to get their feet around the shin guard on the lap bar & stuck between the station floor....
I have no fucking clue. But it seems this isn’t the first time for a ride with shin guards to have an issue with this. I personally feel the platform for skyrocket coasters should be raised a bit higher to avoid this kind of thing (and all other coasters while we’re at it).
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I have so many questions... how does one manage to get their feet around the shin guard on the lap bar & stuck between the station floor....

Oh hey, look! It's the exact same thing that happened on Ice Breaker!

What's that? Full Throttle didn't have a 48 inch height restriction? It's almost like it's not the park's or the rider's fault but it's actually Premier's! Who would have thought!?
A few years ago at Tempesto I noticed someone had their foot resting outside that shin guard thing and resting on the station floor. The ops were just about to clear the train and everything when I flagged them down and pointed it out. I always wonder what would’ve happened if I hadn’t noticed it, especially with the way Tempesto’s train flies through the station.

I have so many questions... how does one manage to get their feet around the shin guard on the lap bar & stuck between the station floor....
This incident happened a while ago and I think this might have been the reason why it was down for a while. I feel like there was an explanation for this when we talked about it on the podcast but I honestly can't remember much about it.
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