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Sep 23, 2009
The park has now been voted the Most Beautiful Amusement Park for 20 years straight and also came in second in the "Favorite Theme Park" category, just behind Walt Disney World.
Woot! Yay for BGW for going the extra mile and spending the extra dime on beautifying their park!

Again, this is most important aspect of why the BBW footers remain in plain sight... the Most Beautiful Amusement Park wouldn't leave big hunks of concrete jutting out of the ground unless they had future plans for the area. They are just too classy for that.
I absolutely agree that BGW is the most beautiful theme park, but I thought that was just their personal claim. I didn't realize it was actually voted on. What organization does this ranking, and is there a site where I could see what categories they have and how exactly BGW places all around?
philvt101 said:
I absolutely agree that BGW is the most beautiful theme park, but I thought that was just their personal claim. I didn't realize it was actually voted on. What organization does this ranking, and is there a site where I could see what categories they have and how exactly BGW places all around?
The organization that gave them the title is called The National Amusement Park Historical Association.
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