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I was able to find a few songs they play on International Street. I love it.

Eragon Soundtrack - Eragon

Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron - Homeland

Mission - Gabriel's Oboe

Hook - Flight to Neverland

ET - Escape, Chase, Saying Goodbye

ET Theme
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Protip: When listing songs from areas of the park or whatever, include the names alongside the YouTube videos. Otherwise, if the YouTube videos are pulled for copyright infringement, people who come looking for the songs will have no idea what it was.
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Here are a couple more:

Rio - Flying

Camille Saint-Saens - Aquarium

Bedtime Stories - The Sunny Vista Motel

Some of the most elegant and powerful music I've ever heard is played on International Street.
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We were following our normal park 'exit' routine with the Gal, which involves tossing pennies into the enormous fountain, and noticed a foul smell. It reminded me of the lake slime smell of Diamond Falls. I think by painting the bottom black, the park thinks they can get away with not chlorinating the water. Bad Idea!
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I noticed that as well; while in previous years International Street has had a nice, subtle chlorinated smell, this year the algal smell is overwhelming. I doubt they're not chlorinating it at all, but something's up.
They play the end of the suite from Forrest Gump on International Street, starting 7 minutes into the song. It's one of my personal favorites. So, so beautiful.
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Something very interesting has happened on International Street. Stay tuned...
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No. It is another something that proves KD wants to be in the same market as BGW. This is pretty cool. I'll tell you later when I get home and can share pictures.
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Not animals. Think about another department at the park that could be improved. I'm not telling you now because it would be easier to share with pictures. I just feel like teasing you all for now. :p
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