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Sep 14, 2010
The MOST POPULAR attraction at Great Adventure for the first ten years was the "Aqua Spectacle" Dolphin Shows and High Diving Shows at the Aqua Stadium.

Originally the pool was home to TWELVE dolphins, but that number was reduced after the first seasons to a more manageable three, and eventually sea lions were added to the shows as well.

The High Diving shows featured a variety of dives and tricks interspersed with comedy including a heckler in the audience who inevitably ended up in the show. All of it culminated with the spectacular 100' dive from the top platform.

During peak season the Dolphin Show would perform five times a day, alternating with the High Dive show which performed six times a day.
With the purchase of Six Flags by Time Warner, the dolphin shows were phased out (they produced the movie Free Willy), but diving shows continued and eventually dolphins and sea lions were re-introduced post Time Warner ownership.







The aging stadium required a great deal of maintenance to keep operating, but over time the popularity of marine mammal shows has declined overall. The memories will always remain...

Click to see all of the Aqua Spectacle, from construction through demolition:
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