[split] This is Oktoberfest (1976 to 2011, 2013 to Present)
SDG said:
[...]Have no idea what his deal is with alphorns.[...]
It may just be me, but I cant help but wonder if he has something against real German culture. It was very obvious that Oktoberfest gets very little respect with its shows. Look at the show when they ruined it in 2011. Between that, an Illuminights costumes, I hate to say it, but I, being half-German found it very offensive, if not racist. That aside, I have German cousins that come to visit all the time. To my surprise, they
loved This is Oktoberfest! However, when they came back, and saw the changes to the show in 2011, they looked right down embarrassed. Their faces were all red, but they didn't want to say anything about it. I'm sure they would love this year's version of the show, because Oktoberfest is a 200+ year tradition, so in this case,
small stereotypes don't matter as much to them. All that other stuff;red stickers for blush, pretzel-shaped hair,and bleach blonde wigs,etc. was really overkill. /ends rant/