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Apr 12, 2012
Virginia Beach, Virginia

don't know if others have seen this before but has pictures of steel going up in the old amity area. could this be the eventual facade of gringotts?
RE: Rumored Harry Potter Expansion

There will be a lot more going into part two than gringott's, wait for everything to really start picking up and the buildings begin to take shape. Right now it's just a hunk of steel in a pit of dirt.
RE: Rumored Harry Potter Expansion

From Parkscope:
Wizarding World of Harry Potter Construction Update

Well, the vertical construction continues on WWoHP's expansion on the former Jaws site. Today, our friend MrEPCOT sent us this picture from behind the park, showing the progress of what is believed to be the Gringotts ride building.

UOR Permit Update 9/5/12 More Potter

Two new building permits were filed today by Universal Orlando for Phase 2 of the Wizarding World of Harry Potter. One permit is for Universal Studios Florida, and the other, is for Islands of Adventure.

The first permit is for Project 7664 which is related to the building permit for Project 7717 which was for the foundation layout and primary structural system of Platform 9 3/4/Kings Cross. The description says it is for Bld 64 D and 64 E. Thanks to a document Parkscope friend Lee sent us in July, we know that 64 E is the train station in Universal Studios aka Platform 9 3/4. 64 D is the sizable building to the left of Gringotts and the right of Platform 9 3/4. We do not know what 64 D is yet. Permit review comments may clue us in. There have been rumors of a Weasley Wizarding Wheezes walkthrough attraction. This building could certainly house that.

The second permit is for Project 3135 which is related to the building permit for Project 3641 which was for the foundation layout and primary structural system of Hogsmeade Station in Islands of Adventure. The description says it is for Building 235 which is presumably Hogsmeade Station.

There is nothing really new here, sure, but this is a sign of things progressing beyond utilities and below ground things. Last week, work began on the construction of a tower crane for Platform 9 3/4 and demolition work has been ongoing at Islands of Adventure for the site of Hogsmeade Station. This is truly an exciting time to be a Universal fan. The resort is literally transforming right before our eyes.
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RE: Rumored Harry Potter Expansion

The layout of Gringott's has surfaced in the past month as well as grading. Find em. ;)
RE: Rumored Harry Potter Expansion

Atlantis said:
The layout of Gringott's has surfaced in the past month as well as grading. Find em. ;)

At this rate, we'll see Gringott's finished before all of WDW's Fantasyland projects are complete...
RE: Wizarding World of Harry Potter expansion

Have they actually announced what the projects are? I'm pretty sure it's still rumored/speculation. Albeit, probably very spot on rumors though.
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RE: Wizarding World of Harry Potter expansion

I wonder if Zierer and Uni are in talks still... There really had to he some interest if Uni execs took a visit to BGW this summer...
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