Ah Chris, you know what I think should happen. heh~ I am sure most of the folks at Busch know too. To quote another post I just left:
"The only thing I hope with the loss of the Clydesdales, if the idea I submitted years ago to Busch that they convert the land behind and including Festa Italia to Greece and connect the Rhine River Cruise to have a docking port there as well.
I know they are chomping at the bit to do something with the BBW site, but this concept would provide a better flow of traffic in that particular area as it could have another entrance from Italy itself (making a circle and not one entrance into Festa as it stands now). Doing this would also provide an obvious (weather) sheltered eating area (I suggested a Parthenon structure) that houses Greek Food and entertainment. This seems so much more logical and well, awesome than Spain behind Germany. My concept also included a drop ride called "the Fall of Icarus" (well themed of course), Apollo's Chariot reamains the same because Apollo is the same name in Both Greek and Roman Mythology ironically, and Roman Rapids could easily be changed to the "Grecian Gorge Adventure" or something along those lines. Simple, money saving and efficient."
Hey, has anyone ever given thought to why Busch has never made an electric mover or transport of some kind for those elderly, handicapped, or other wise unable to make it down to the Rhine River Cruise? I have often wondered about this.
Also, I noticed that Christmas Town has a "Pick A Pearl" type gift shop in France. Does anyone remember this same thing back in the mid 80's next to the Rhine River Cruise? It was in the boarded up shed that hasn't been used in a decade.