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Mar 24, 2010
I've got a question...

Why did they install those horrible second rails along the Rhine River walkway? They look terrible, and worse, make you feel like you are in a prison yard. It was such a picturesque and serine secret spot to relax in. Now it looks and feels like a Kings Dominion like cattle chute.

Anyone know why? am I the only one that cares?..

You are not the only one who cares. The bridge now looks terrible and you basically have to bump shoulders with the people walking the other way to get across it.
I used to love that bridge but I reckon I have subconsciously been avoiding that bridge but never realized it.
I had originally thought that they were there because the real rails were going to be replaced or renovated, but then the inner rails just stayed. Don't know what the deal is.
Chris said:
I had originally thought that they were there because the real rails were going to be replaced or renovated, but then the inner rails just stayed. Don't know what the deal is.

Thats what I thought too, maybe it can be part of the new work. I sure hope so. The views from down there are fantastic.
im not sure but i heard a rumor it was because the water got too low and they couldnt have people walking on the edge because the bridge would tip over... the extra rails keep people walking in the middle...
Ha. I know the answer! I did the coaster tour the other week and the girl that gave the tour was the daughter of the safety manager for BG. Apparently they were concerned about kids climbing through the rails so they added the wire. Then I guess they were even more concerned so they added the extra railing. A lot of people would sit on the railing or hold their kids over the railing. I guess they felt it was too unsafe. You may not like it, but that's the way it is. :(
I survived as a kid walking across that bridge many times. I say, if a kid goes over the side, by their choice or their parent's, natural selection.
the real reason is because the bridge floats and sits atop stilts. People would run back and forth to knock it off the stilts. The park got tired of paying for it so they just out up the railing to solve that problem.
pandorazboxx said:
Ha. I know the answer! I did the coaster tour the other week and the girl that gave the tour was the daughter of the safety manager for BG. Apparently they were concerned about kids climbing through the rails so they added the wire. Then I guess they were even more concerned so they added the extra railing. A lot of people would sit on the railing or hold their kids over the railing. I guess they felt it was too unsafe. You may not like it, but that's the way it is. :(

That's what I figured the deal was. My mother and I watched the Illuminights fireworks from down there one night, and there were parents helping their kids climb through the extra fence and get on top of the old railing to sit. I was like... are you kidding me? The stupid ones tend to ruin the good stuff.
We watched from down there as well and it was very cool!! Only thing you don't get to see were the ones in Ireland and Germany, but overall they were very good.
Just like AandA8104 said as well as keeping the capacity lower on the bridge. The amount of weight and traffic had increased over the years to the point of being concerned with safety.

I would hope that one day the bridge can be rebuilt to accommodate larger groups of people.
No, it was not. There are two reasons. The first, one drawn from common sense, the park doesn't want you to lean over the outer railing. The second is to keep the bridge from sinking, sort of. When I was there on the forth for the fireworks we took it to get to Oktoberfest without the crowd. the crowd was, of course already there. we were able to squeeze through, however the ramps on either end of the bridge were tipped up a few good inches from the actual bride settling lower in the water. If i were you, I'd just go with the leaning explanation though (It's alot more sound).

And also, what the heck Austin?
Austin said:
i was told that by my tour guide on one of the tours. and it is a floating bridge look at the ends there is jack like stilts that go up and down

It is a floating bridge and the those you see are guides that keep is from sway but still allow it to go up and down
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