RE: Water Country USA theming.
Okay I know I'm gonna Get bashed for saying this. But the plants at Aquatica won't be able to stay alive in Water Country, Virginia doesn't stay above 70 all year. SO your dreaming for something that isn't going to happen it just isn't possible. I doubt that SWPE will put aquariums all over the park, and I think that WCUSA gardens are pretty nice they look like gardens that would be in Virginia. Next time you go to the park try to notice the entrance next time, they try really hard, and since Gardens is not in the name of Water Country USA, then I don't think people go into it expecting gardens all over the place. And considering the amount of trees around the park it is really nice for a water park. Since my first Waterpark was Ocean Breeze I was really impressed. I agree Aquatica is very beautiful, but it was built what 25 years after WCUSA was I think that WCUSA is really nice considering its age. Some rides may not match the theme perfectly, but most are very well themed. And WCUSA is almost three times the size of Aquatica. I'm sure that WCUSA will eventually get a revamp, but they're not going to re-theme it completely, and personally I don't want them to. As long as WCUSA stays popular it will be fine and the GP doesn't care hugely about theming, they just care about how fun the ride is. You guys can dream but they are not going to re-theme it completely.
*braces For impact*