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Wow! Amazing find! I did notice that the Planet Snoopy uniforms looked really good this year. I didn't pay too much attention to the other uniforms around the park though.
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Evan, I am not sure if all uniforms at Kings Dominion, or at any of the other Cedar Fair parks for that matter, have been completely replaced for the 2013 season. The park chain might still be using the existing uniforms, from their previous supplier, until they wear out (tears, staining, fading, over-stretched/out of shape).

So, it appears that new uniforms will be phased in over the next couple of years. Planet Snoopy employees and Dinosaurs Alive workers got the new stuff this year. Possibly the lifeguards as well. Whether or not the other area employees received them is unknown. My guess is that they did not. The article stated that Ukrops Dress Express was already working on uniforms for the 2014 season.
How awesome is THIS!!! Right near where I live! Very cool! Thanks for the news about this! I didn't read this one in the paper...must have missed it.
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