Shane said:
ScreamScape this morning: said:
(1/31/13) The rumor mill on what is planned for the park entrance fountains at Kings Island and Kings Dominion has been abuzz with talk about adding a sort of Bellagio style light and fountain show that would perform to different music tracks. Unfortunately it seems this was just a leftover whisper from a previous proposal that was cancelled months ago. Instead I’m told it has been replaced by a more modest and smale scale fountain improvement project according to the latest rumors.
Some people have hyperactive imaginations when it comes to these fountain rumors. I cannot see KD or KI doing something on the level of the Bellagio fountains. First, the Bellagio lagoon has a water surface area of 18-20 times the fountain pool footprint at Kings Island and Kings Dominion. The lagoon is probably 6-8 feet deep or more whereas KI & KD's fountain pools are 1 1/2 to 2 feet deep. The Kings parks could not handle the size of fountain jets and volume of water needed to run a show like at Bellagio.
This whole fountain refurb came from an video interview with Matt Quimet at the Ohio steel fabrication plant where B&M track and supports are made. The video interview was done by the people at coasterbuzz/pointbuzz web sites. They showed some of Gatekeeper's track/supports still in fabrication.
During the interview, Matt stated they found something they liked at the 2012 IAAPA show and would be doing a water fountain refurb at Canada's Wonderland first followed by both Kings Island and Kings Dominion. Matt did not give a time frame for when this would happen nor what would be done.
Someone on the coasterbuzz/pointbuzz forums asked if anybody had been to the 2012 IAAPA show and, if so, was there any fountain manufacturers there that they were impressed with. A person responded by stating they thought the company Waltzing Waters had some very imaginative/innovative fountain light shows. You can go to their web site at to check out their products and more important, see the video of their water fountain light shows in action.
This would seem to be more on the scale of what Kings Dominion and Kings Island could do in their fountain pools. This company makes fountain setup sizes from a residential fountain up to large scale fountains in pools and natural lakes.
Course, when this will happen and what will be done is up in the air. I do know that Canada's Wonderland replaced their fountain lights with a new LED light package either last season or in 2011. Course, Kings Dominion re-painted their fountain pool during the 2011-2012 off season.