This. Should. Not. Happen.
What modern roller coaster derails? In this day and age? Seriously, is a train completely derailing at a major modern theme park even precedented?
I don't even know how this happened. Coaster trains don't just fly off the track, unless the track itself is broken. But based on pictures, the track itself is completely intact.
So the only other way the train could have derailed is if its wheels fell off, right? BBC posted a picture of a wheel mechanism that fell off the train... but how does when missing set of wheels cause an entire train to fall off? Wouldn't the wheels have to have fallen off of several parts of the train for it to literally fly off the track small?
It looks like nobody was killed, as far as we know right now, which is good. However, what a traumatic event nonetheless, and 10 people still have serious injuries.
I also fear the public will view this incident, which I assume is the result of terrible maintenance and weak inspections, as a "norm" and roller coasters everywhere will be viewed as unsafe.