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Would it be possible to add a "hot" or "new" tag to threads. So when a thread has a lot of commentary lately it gets the 'hot' label, and if it's a thread you haven't commented in or has less than a certain number of posts it gets a 'new' tag?
If you really want this website to suck less, click on the box that says "ParkFans" next to the page width toggle in the footer. @b.mac should find this addition particularly exciting.
Ooo. Can we get a Christmas town theme to go with the Halloweeny one?

And then ParkFans can redecorate when the parks do! Maybe have some gifs of bats flying across the screen...

Flashbacks to my MySpace page in 2006....
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Oh! Also! After things are more ironed out and Gavin finishes some required backend updates there will be a more comprehensive post about new features. In the meantime though...

Fancy URL previews are a thing now...

Plus we have tables! I think @Shane asked for this a long time ago...


Both things I asked for... Took you long enough :p
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Just so everyone knows, I'm assembling a list of feature requests from the ideas in this thread. Even if I don't reply to your contribution in particular, I've still added it to the list of requested additions.
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Oh! Also! After things are more ironed out and Gavin finishes some required backend updates there will be a more comprehensive post about new features. In the meantime though...

Fancy URL previews are a thing now...

Plus we have tables! I think @Shane asked for this a long time ago...

Can we also have pivot tables?
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If you really want this website to suck less, click on the box that says "ParkFans" next to the page width toggle in the footer. @b.mac should find this addition particularly exciting.

Note: It's a very early version and there will be changes. After more testing (please report bugs), there'll eventually be a more formal introduction.

I am, indeed, a DarkFan
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Reactions: Eric and Zachary
At least the Mark Forums As Read button's back so the What's New bar isn't exploding with posts.
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