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Sep 23, 2009
I hear that not many people are going to be at Christmas Town on the 27th (the opening day). Yoshi, I and hopefully Fur Dozy will be going. If there is anything you want us to look into, take pictures of, find out news on, ect. we will try our best to get to it.

Here's the list so far (I will add to it as people ask):

Anything to see at the BBW site
Anything to see in the Festus Park area
Anything to see in the Clydesdale areas [behind Festa and in Scotland] (from Wings)
Pictures and info on the penguin attraction (from Yoshi)
I'd like to know if you see any work being done in the Festhaus Park Area, Clydesdale Areas, and BBW.

(Added to the list. -Swiftman)
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