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Sep 23, 2009
The first edition of the BGWFans Town Crier is live, here.

Not sure if it's something that's worth continuing or not- it really all depends on whether or not there's demand for it. Is it a format/series you all would like to see more of?

The main idea was to get some of the content that never makes it off the forum out to a wider audience because, at the end of the day, there are forum members who are doing more interesting and unique things than I am (Franco, CK, and others)- I sorta feel like I need to be getting more eyes on some of that stuff. That said, there's a potential downside here too- I worry that a digest of the forum may devalue actually, you know, reading the forum. Thoughts?
RE: BGWFans Town Crier

I like how certain member's activities were highlighted. I'm still having mixed feelings about it though. It may definitely well be something worth continuing, but can you handle keeping up with it? I like having a somewhat often update of things. I keeps things lively.
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RE: BGWFans Town Crier (Yay or Nay?)

Party Rocker pid=92812 dateline=1393058710 said:
but can you handle keeping up with it?

This is the other thing I'm not sure of yet. Collecting the important bits of info is really the tough part but that's something that I can easily do as I'm browsing the forum throughout the week. All things considered, it's not time consuming content to produce as long as the source material is collected as it's posted.
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RE: BGWFans Town Crier (Yay or Nay?)

Well, as long as you can keep up with, I am all for it. Definitely something for me to look forward to. It seems very much like newsletter of sorts.
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RE: BGWFans Town Crier (Yay or Nay?)

I think it is good in the way you mentioned spreading more things that aren't rumors, leaks, etc.  Its a good mix of, shall we say, the good with the bad....the positive and the negative.  Balance is essential.  That being said, it really depends on what your average reader is interested in.  I like that you linked everything to the forums; could be a draw for folks who look at the news vs. getting drawn into discussions.  Its like a tease.  I particularly liked the section on the Maypole and Entwined.  Informative and funny, while maintaining the overall feel of the opinions of members of the forums.  Two thumbs up!! ;)
RE: BGWFans Town Crier (Yay or Nay?)

That was actually really good. Nobody had there opinion it was just the truth. Maybe you could feature the best idea or the best post or maybe even a little poetry. ( Ok I admit you can see I want to see more of this) Maybe there will be a podcast like Orlando Atractions the show? Overall this is a really great idea Zach and I hope someday it could spread to KD.:angel:
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RE: BGWFans Town Crier (Yay or Nay?)

I actually love this idea. I think I've hinted a couple times that doesn't get as many articles on it as it should. I think this is the perfect thing for it. It doesn't take away from reading the forum at all, because I have 0 unread posts as of right now, and I still read through the whole arcticle. I think things are elaborated more in the article, and we get your viewpoint on the news, which I have to say is always very entertaining. So with that I vote YAY!
RE: BGWFans Town Crier (Yay or Nay?)

Excellent job as usual, Zachary.  I really like this addition as it included a very nice balance of content.  Also, as someone who often doesn't have the time to read every post on the forum, it was an easy way to catch up on some highlights I may have missed.  My only concern is that this seems like a fair amount of work on your part, and given the time you already commit to this site, I wouldn't want you to overfill your plate.  I did really enjoy this, though.  Perhaps this can be a special edition kind of post; you can pull this out if you think we have a really great week filled with interesting content.
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RE: BGWFans Town Crier (Yay or Nay?)

Yeah, the interval at which they come out is still up for consideration- I'm not sure that there's enough content every week to justify one but, if not, I could try biweekly or something.
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RE: BGWFans Town Crier (Yay or Nay?)

I really like the Crier.  During the winter I don't check in quite as often as in the summer, and it's easy to miss things.  A couple times reading through I found myself thinking, "How did I miss THAT thread?"

Nice job.
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