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May 17, 2013
This is my first year attempting to go on a weekday after Easter. Anyone have experience with crowd levels this time of year? I realize weather can be a factor. Looking to go mid-week next week.
I think you should look at the BGW crowd calender to have a good reference, but I think it will be busy, but not packed since there are different spring breaks for different school systems, like how i am on my spring break right now.( which is why i think BGW is open for three straight weeks.)
Yes, I went Tuesday. It was nuts. Part of the issue was between beautiful weather, preschool passes, and bring a friend free, the lines just to get in the park were insane. This is our last year eligible to get the preschool pass, so my last year hopefully waiting in an hour long ticket booth line. I guess it's worth it for the free pass, so I have no business complaining. We still had a good time but I'm glad we go often, since we didn't get to ride much. Not sure I'd do spring break week again unless it is a cold day.
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