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Nov 14, 2009
Williamsburg, VA
So my wife and I will be attending the park's Social Media Night event tomorrow night (7/10).

We'll be meeting the rest of the invitees at the Globe Theater at 4:00. From there, we are supposed to be taken on a behind the scenes tour of Illuminights and attending a VIP party.

Needless to say, we are very excited to be attending :D Follow me on Twitter @aaroncorasdad. I'll be tweeting throughout the night.
That's fine w/me.

I'd had thought about mentioning something about that earlier, but really the person coordinating this was a little last minute w/ the details, so I really had no idea what any specifics were with the event. I didn't get final confirmation until yesterday morning and still really don't know much more than to meet at 4:00 at the Globe, going on a behind the scenes tour of Illuminights, and then a VIP party.

We don't have a very clear idea of what to expect, but we are looking very forward to it :) They are encouraging us to use Twitter, Facebook, and Fourquare to post pics and update throughout the event, so stay tuned...
Wow. We had a great time last night. There were maybe 100 or so total guests there for the event (invitees plus family/guests). I couldn't really figure out how they put together the guest list. Some people seemed to be regulars at the park and in tune with various social media outlets, while others said they hadn't been to the park in years and admitted to being pretty clueless to Twitter, Facebook, etc. Alot of the employees involved seem to recognize me from my Foursquare domination :rolleyes: so that was pretty cool.

They had one of the cruise boats reserved for us and drew five winners at random for a free fireworks cruise. We won :D It was definitely a great spot to watch the show.

I was tweeting throughout the night @aaroncorasdad, if you want to check it out. Posted plenty of pics as well.

Also, some girls that we met made a little video of the event:

Hopefully they'll do another one of these in the future!
Again Shafor, Lucky! :-/

Seems like you had a wonderful time and I do not think the lucky tickets for both the VIP reception and the cruise could have gone to a better person! Thanks for reporting your day and sharing it with us!

Let's hear it for Shafor!! :D
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