About Security
Security is a major part in visiting many places. In the case of a theme park it can help take care of emergency situations. The park is a big place. There are many policies put into place to keep things operating securely and safely. Only authorized items and people are allowed on the property of the park. Security seems to always be the most hated and the most overlooked yet important feature of the park. They control many different things such as entrance/exit checkpoints, transporting lost articles, finding lost guests, and many more other important tasks.
Prohibited Items[/SIZE]]
- Weapons
- Only active law enforcement is allowed to carry guns. Pepper Spray/Mace is also considered a weapon and if found is not permitted in the park. Other weapons is anything with a sharp pointed end. Some of the things included is: Long Pointed Scissors, Tools, Knitting Tools, and other similar items. Medical supplies like needles for those with Diabetes and Epi-Pens are permitted.