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The remarkably elusive San Marco Village Band will be performing their final three shows tomorrow in Il Teatro di San Marco at 12:30, 2:00, and 3:30. If you can make it, come out and experience one of the park's hidden gems and show your support for the park's newly rediscovered love of street performers!
I was remarkably impressed with the show- even at its current length, I think it's both a considerably better show and a much better fit for the area when compared to Mix it Up. I would actually love to see the performance lengthened a bit, another musician or two added, and have it replace Mix it Up for next year completely. It's cheaper, it meshes with the hamlet and theater better, and, most importantly, it's a fantastic show- one that no one gets to see right now.

Anyway, yes, I filmed the first showing of the day today. Video will go up when it's done uploading and whatnot.
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They shouldn't put the band there, becuase no body can see them. If anything, people hear the band and think it is just background music playing. They should put them out on the "street" like the Aquatine Village Band, out in the open. However, there really is no area in Italy that you could put them in that wouldn't have bottlenecking problems. :(
Though I do enjoy Mix It Up, I have to agree that this act would be a much more suitable fit given this theater and location. My daughter and I thoroughly enjoyed it. This was the first time I have seen the entire show. I missed Zachary & Nora by an hour or so; we caught the second show and appear to have sat in the same place for camera work. :)

There were only four in the group, and I could have sworn I have seen five in earlier pictures (violinist?). In any event, the lead singer can really belt it out with the vocals. And her dress is beautiful! Check out these pics:



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From what I understand, the regular violin player has left. Hence, the two different violinists we saw in KK Monday and Tuesday.
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Anyone have a current shot to compare? I don't recall if the wall scribbles or clock are still there. I do see some nicely trimmed potted shrubbery and a sign for "Italia" and "Starlight Orchestra".



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    San Marco 2003.jpg
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Those masks were one of my very favorite things in the park! I hate, no I loathe, those lame and cheap sequin masks there now! It should not be Mardi Gras junk, people, it should stay Venetian awesomeness.
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BGW Family said:
Anyone have a current shot to compare? I don't recall if the wall scribbles or clock are still there. I do see some nicely trimmed potted shrubbery and a sign for "Italia" and "Starlight Orchestra".

I could only find this one scribble, but they are there. My baby likes horses so this one stuck out to us.



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