Well since you asked,
There was a design flaw I noticed as we were assembling the drive chains each of the traction arms. One drive chain was being driven off of each hydraulic motor that drove the upper two wheels on each corner of the wolf cart. I discussed adding an offset dual chain drive so that each drive wheel would be driven by a separate chain. That way if a drive chain broke the hydraulic motor could still drive one wheel on that arm.
We were driving the wolf cart up from the bottom of the big hill as we approached the top of the hill a drive chain broke and we headed back down the hill towards the lake as fast as the train would go. The wolf cart framework had ball joints on it allowing the platform to hang under the track regardless of the angle of the track. So as we were heading down the hill the track banked and we were above the track nearly upside down, it could have been very bad. Luckily we didn't flip over and were able to replace the broken chain and drive the wolf cart back into the wolf den. I called the engineer at 4:00 am letting him know what had happend and we needed to redesign the drive system for safety sake. We made the changes and as far as I know they never had another problem with the wolf cart.
Eric M