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As always, well written. You're definitely not the only one that misses the Big Bad Wolf hanging out over the Rhine. Hard to believe it's already been a year actually.
I never loved the Wolf personally, but I have found that I have some sentimental attachment to it now. On my most recent visit, I found myself staring mournfully at the site of the former Big Bad Wolf. I just hope Busch has a great replacement up their sleeves, and a ride that can thrill the little ones and enthusiasts alike. No other ride have I ever seen a three year-old and twenty-five year old get off equally ecstatic. Big Bad Wolf: you are missed and beloved by many. :angel:
I was never a big roller coaster rider. A big reason why is because I can get motion sickness easily, I almost never ride coasters with inversions. I loved the Big Bad Wolf because it was not too intense yet it was extremely thrilling, had a very unique design that flowed through the terrain and landscape of the park, and that it was themed after my favorite animal. I will always remember the Wolf as one of the greatest roller coasters ever built!
When I was little my dad forced me to ride the Wolf, and I hated it. Years later when the coaster bug had securely sunk its teeth in me, I was riding it constantly and loving every minute. It was definitely a ride for beginning riders. Now with two small kids of my own and my oldest (5) just tall enough to start riding the "big swings", it makes me sad that there is currently nothing there to introduce her to the big world of coaster riding. There is a big gap between Grover and Apollo. Whenever we go, I stand on the San Marco Bridge, look over the Rhine and remember what was. My daughter already knows that the ride that used to be there was my favorite and her mommy and I miss it. The clicking of the lift chain and the scream of the riders swinging out over the water will forever be in my memory, I can still feel that familiar lurch in my stomach from the drop. With the footers still standing, although painted a tacky green, I can only hope there is a plan for them, maybe a BBW 2.0, although it will never live up to the original. BBW was truly a gem and a classic and its memory will live on forever in the hearts of the millions of riders it carried on its back for 25 years! It will me missed!
Well, I know the Wolf's last day was the 7th of September last year; alas the park is closed after Labor Day except for the weekends.

I will make my trek on the 6th in Honor of the Wolf instead. My plan is to make this trip every year I can until it becomes tradition.

I will even wear my most cherished shirt as seen below.



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There is a big gap between Grover and Apollo.

Loch Ness Monster somewhat fills the void, as riders only have to be 48 inches to ride. Nonetheless, the gap is still there. BBW was one of the few coasters where you only had to be three and a half feet tall to ride. Big Bad Wolf introduced me to steel coasters at such a young age, though it was another six years before my ride on Apollo made me a true coaster freak.
Today I fulfilled my promise and made my trip to the park to pay my respects to the Wolf. I placed a single rose where the sign for the Big Bad Wolf once stood on behalf of anyone who actually cared about the ride.

I will do all I can to make this a ritual event every year if possible. I wonder if anyone has ever left a rose for a coaster before? My guess.. yes.

To the Big Bad Wolf; may you rest in peace my friend. :(



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i stop and almost begin to cry because it was the best suspended coaster ever. although not my first coaster( apollos chariot:dodgy:) it still has a special place in my heart.
The lighting was horrible today LoveDoc. The sun was very harsh over everything. The photos I took of it farther away came out very hard to see. This is the best edit. :-/

Well, I did a little work to make the photos more interesting.. here they are:



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Nora said:
Today I fulfilled my promise and made my trip to the park to pay my respects to the Wolf. I placed a single rose where the sign for the Big Bad Wolf once stood on behalf of anyone who actually cared about the ride.

Very nice, Nora. I hope some of the guests and staff notice your little memorial. : )
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