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Dec 23, 2011
Yes, I realize there is a thread about 13, but I want this to be exclusive to my ideas.

Firstly, the main problem with this maze is, there is no story; just nothing holding these rooms together. No rhyme nor reason why you are here going through these rooms. The only theme relating them is they are "supposedly" the world's most common fears and phobias.
This is something that needs to be worked on to make this house much better. Deadline has a strong theme, that even though the story of going room to room may not be clear, you at least know who, what, when, and where. This is what 13 lacks.
My own personal story that I believe will work for 13: Your Number's Up starts with a visit to the good shrink. The queue being the waiting room of course. Then your number is called into the good doctors office, as you pass through his office you see this mad crazy phycatrist who will dig deep into your mind to try and find what your phobia is. Once you leave his office you go into a dark hallway (your inner mind). There will be a hallway before each room. Each hallway containing a recording of the mad doctor guessing and hinting at what phobia awaits you next. The recording may actually not be needed, as the scare actor in the first room can simply scream and yell about him unlocking your true phobia. Each room contains its phobia, and then you end up escaping after the 13th fear.
This story is very rough cut and could use refining, I know I am not perfect, but at least I can come up with a solid story as opposed to the Entertainment Dept, which came up with what we have today.

Next, the fears are another issue. These are supposed to be 13 of the most common phobias. Last time I checked, a few of the phobias they have, don't match up with that, and personally, they left out a few that definitely should be in there. I will now take you room to room; phobia to phobia, explaining how the room should work and why I choose that phobia out of the many in the world.

Room #2 - Fear of Heights (Acrophobia)

The Reasoning: It is absolutely high up on the list, most people really have this fear, and as you can see by the current room, people really are scared.

The Workings: They have done it perfectly already, the back ups is a sure sign it is effective.

Room #3 - Fear of Public Speaking (Glossophobia)

The Reasoning: Many people are frightened to stand out, to be observed and scrutinized. You can be trained, like politicians, or you can be helpless like a shy teenager giving a book report. No matter the fact, a good portion of our civilization just likes to blend in.

The Workings: Have guests walk up on to a simulated stage with some bright lights as needed, with scare actors pointing out flaws, laughing, mocking and so fourth. Definitely would get people nervous, embarrassed, and caught off guard.

Room #4 - Fear of the Dark (Achluophobia)

The Reasoning: Simplest fear and easy to simulate.

The Workings: This year this fear was moved to a different room from my understanding, last years was so much better and well done. Simply have guests walk into pitch blackness with no light. This can be done safely with a wide hallway, and have a dim light by the exit of the room, and if done in a wide hallway, the entrance and exit of the room can have multiple fully covering layers of black curtains to block out light. Also, the fact it is a straight hallway would mean guests just naturally have to go straight.

Room #5 - Fear of Spiders (Arachnephobia)

The Reasoning: Small tiny creatures that can be deadly, how can't you be scared :p

The Workings: The set up they have now is okay, but can be improved by adding scare actors posing as spider bite victims, along with those invisible strings that feel like your getting caught in something but since you can't see it you freak out.

Room #6 - Fear of Snakes (Ophidiophobia)

The Reasoning: Slithery creatures that are deadly tend to be up on the list.

The Workings: Plastic snakes hanging in mid air is not scary. Slithering noises, along with slimy snake like animatronics works very well. Still a spider victim doesn't hurt either.

Room #7 - Fear of Small Confined Spaces (Claustrophobia)

The Reasoning: It worked well last year, and is super common.

The Workings: Last years set up for this fear was amazing, and should not have been toned down.

Room #8 - Fear of Thunder and Lightning (Astraphobia)

The Reasoning: This is the most unpredicted natural occurrence that is also very deadly. Lost of reason there.

The Workings: What they have now is okay, but I suggest louder and perhaps some simulated vibrations from the "blasts".

Room #9 - Fear of Clowns (Coulrophobia)

The Reasoning: Look at how many people say they will go to Howl-o-Scream to get scared and try to avoid Festa for the reason of clowns.

The Workings: Nothing fancy like Fear Fair, but a taste of your generic clown with evil looking grin, sharp teeth, claws, and craziness. A few of theses and you have a winner room.

Room #10 - Fear of The Bogey Man (Bogyphobia)

The Reasoning: Every kids fear, or adults should you have seen Freddy.

The Workings: The current room they have for going to sleep is very well done and doesn't need to change.

Room #11 - Fear of Blood (Hematophobia)

The Reasoning: A lot fo people tend to get very light headed around blood, whether it is a true fear or just gross, it has adverse effects on humans.

The Workings: Blood cover walls, scare actors with needles spraying guests with what is thought to be blood but not. Blood, blood, and more blood.

Room #12 - Fear of Fog (Homiclophobia)

The Reasoning: The great unknown, blocked vision. Where anything can happen. Plus, wasn't there a movie about such?

The Happenings: A well lit room, filled with nothing but fog. Similar to darkness room but with the atmospheric effect.

Room #13 - Fear of Shadows (Sciaphobia)

The Reasoning: Shadows just creep people out, give them an uneasy feeling which is perfect for this.

The Workings: Have lights and just add cutouts to place in front of the lights to create menacing shadows, perhaps shadows of clowns, spiders, snakes, etc.

Room #14 - Fear of Fire (Pyrophobia)

The Reasoning: People naturally are scared of getting burned in any form, literal, emotional, or physical. Physical just seems to be the scariest :p

The Workings: Have the hallways lined with realistic flames, amp up the temperature by a lot, and maybe some burn victims.

DISCLAIMER: I am not looking for oh that won't work or that is illogical. I am looking for people who are open to these ideas and can try to make sense of them. Like I said with the story line, I'm not perfect and I don't think these ideas are 100% perfect. Give some ideas as to how the workings might be or even, give me a line up of the order of rooms to go through because I honestly don't have one. The order you see listed is the order I could find fears.

Anyways, those are my too biggest issues. The main one with the fear other than they are stupid, is the theme decor. That needs to be on par as well, which it is not so the house suffers.

I remember walking through 13, I completely missed the claustrophobia effect, because guests were walkin around the effect because there was no clear direction. Something that needs to be addressed, and with it being a doorway and not a hallway, it is easy to miss out and very disappointing if missed out.
RE: PR's Re-themed Renovation of 13:Your Number's Up

Party Rocker said:
My own personal story that I believe will work for 13: Your Number's Up starts with a visit to the good shrink. The queue being the waiting room of course. Then your number is called into the good doctors office, as you pass through his office you see this mad crazy phycatrist who will dig deep into your mind to try and find what your phobia is. Once you leave his office you go into a dark hallway (your inner mind). There will be a hallway before each room. Each hallway containing a recording of the mad doctor guessing and hinting at what phobia awaits you next. The recording may actually not be needed, as the scare actor in the first room can simply scream and yell about him unlocking your true phobia. Each room contains its phobia, and then you end up escaping after the 13th fear.

YES! This is seriously one of the greatest ideas I've ever heard. I'm not a fan of all your fears, but the background concept for the house as you've put it together is amazing! I hope you don't mind me refining it a bit.

Ok, waiting room music is played in the queue along with an announcement voiced by a female (the secretary) every 5 minutes or so saying something like "We're sorry for the wait, the doctor will be with you all shortly." At the front of the queue, there's a well dressed lady (again, the secretary) (at a desk?) who acts as the grouper. Before every group that goes in, she says "Ok, patient 13, your number's up." and sends a group in to see the doctor.

The group walks into the house and is stopped inside a dimly lit room (think DarKastle's preshow setup). Suddenly, the lights flash on and the doctor (previously hidden in the darkness) is visible. He tells you that he's going to go deep inside your mind to see what troubles you through an experimental form of hypnosis. He then states "Now, when I say "begin" we will start". He then holds up a pocket watch and begins to swing it side-to-side. The room then goes dark as it was when the patients first entered. As the room lights go off, two neon colored spinning tunnels light up on each side of the location where the doctor was speaking. "Begin."

After the group is split between the spinning tunnels, they stay separated for Astraphobia (fear of thunder and lightning), Acrophobia (fear of heights), and then Claustrophobia (fear of compact spaces). The groups are then joined back together again for Somniphobia (fear of going to sleep) with a similar setup as what is seen currently. Now, notice the fears I picked when the group is split. Astraphobia is only there because I felt a buffer was needed between the spinning tunnels and the fear of heights effect. Going from one to the other would probably bring in the clean-up crews a few times a night. :p Now, fear of heights is followed by Claustrophobia because not only would it look pretty trippy to walk across that beam and then enter the airbags, but it also has a reputation for causing a good deal of backup in the house. With two that each have to handle just half of the house's capacity, it shouldn't be a problem. With all the special effects done, the rest of the house should be stacking-free. Additionally, Only 2 actors have been used so far. The secretary and the doctor. All the effects listed are completely self-sustaining so splitting actors between two different paths won't hurt the house (see Root of All Evil). After the groups merge, the house would continue with most of the existing fears similar to how they are now. Also, since I already justified the name earlier in the house, the park would no longer have to force 13 fears into the house. Keep and expand upon the good ones and trash the bad ones.
Let's rock this.

So far, your story is interesting, but I'm not sure if holding groups back to introduce a story would do well with lines, especially for a maze (think ROAE's photo op) unless you allow a large group of people into a room and let that large group pass into the maze.

You are missing a few common fears out there though. Some of them can be replaced/reworked to include them. Lemme address a few of them.

- Public speaking - could work. Maybe have an actor hiding behind the curtains, under the stage and popping up, or use the podium as a scare prop.

- Dark - that room worked, but there are so many dark rooms, it's kinda hard to figure out which one is actually "fear of the dark". Your room works, just add a few props and actors in those cool black robes.

- Thunder and Lightning - This could be broadened to fear of loud noises. Have props that actors can bang on, those trap doors that actors can open/close, etc. This would work for a wider room where you can hang pots and have some actors slam those around to give everyone a jump.

- Clowns - like you said... Fear Fair, plus the park already has roaming clowns and I'm sure there will be a clown scare zone around that area that can't really be avoided. Instead, bring fear of Death back (sorta like the first room in the maze). I thought it was pretty well-done last year and it's still pretty good this year.

- Bogey Man - This should be broadened to fear of monsters. Have the usual bogey man scare in the bedroom scene and then have monsters roaming the empty hallway outside of it. Last I checked, that room was pretty empty to begin with so it would work. Maybe have it look like you're entering a closet (monsters in the closet anyone?).

- Fog - It fits the Halloween theme, but I was thinking about keeping the fear of bad superstitions room and expanding on it. The fog can be added, but have broken mirrors, actors scattered around, ladders, umbrellas, cracks on the floor, black cat animatronic, etc.

I don't feel that the existing rooms should be changed around. Instead, just take out the weaker rooms (waiting room, empty hallways etc) and use those to expand on the existing rooms or introduce new rooms to that section. A lot of the rooms you mentioned (blood, spiders, snakes) are already in the maze or can be used in already existing rooms (blood for fear of the doctor and fear of torture). Overall I like your plan and it would definitely improve an already decent house.
RE: PR's Re-themed Renovation of 13:Your Number's Up

Zachary said:
YES! This is seriously one of the greatest ideas I've ever heard. I'm not a fan of all your fears, but the background concept for the house as you've put it together is amazing! I hope you don't mind me refining it a bit.

That just gave me +2 points on the confidence scale :p But I do love the different things you've added/changed.

To be honest, it is a solid story. Yes it does require a little setup in the start, but it just adds quality to the house. As yes, since the number 13 is referenced in the start, you don't need 13 fears. To be completely honest, it was hard to find 13 that really make the cut. All they need to do is then take out a few rooms, expand the great ones, and they can even incorporate the weaker fears into the stronger ones, like the fear of noise with fear of thunder and lightning, fear of blood with torture, etc.

I love these ideas, and to think the park hasn't even gotten this far with the house.
What about the fear water? They could make a room where you have to walk like on a transparent floor with real water in it, and the floor has cracks and use special effects to make it sound like its breaking
Probably too similar to fear of heights

BTW, Fear of blood would not be a great idea, it would make people sick, not scared. I love all the other ideas though! Good Job!
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