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Jun 18, 2012
Virginia Beach,VA
Im a new member here and I kinda need some sort of guide to the fourms. Ive been reading the fourms for a long time now but I don't know exactly what to do and I would really appretiate it if someone could help.
A PM is a private message. It is the forum's inter-site email service. If you click on a user's name it directs you to their profile. In their profile you will see "Send user a private message" or something of that nature. Simply click that and send the message to designated user. Or in the link Swiftman posted up there can be clicked and it is setup already to take you to "compose a pm."
Atlantis said:
A PM is a private message. It is the forum's inter-site email service. If you click on a user's name it directs you to their profile. In their profile you will see "Send user a private message" or something of that nature. Simply click that and send the message to designated user. Or in the link Swiftman posted up there can be clicked and it is setup already to take you to "compose a pm."
Thank you that makes much more sence

Petyr Baelish said:
Let's not double post anymore....
Sorry. Like I said I'm new and I'm still getting used to things

Atlantis said:
A PM is a private message. It is the forum's inter-site email service. If you click on a user's name it directs you to their profile. In their profile you will see "Send user a private message" or something of that nature. Simply click that and send the message to designated user. Or in the link Swiftman posted up there can be clicked and it is setup already to take you to "compose a pm."
Thank you that makes much more sence

This is so confusing
It looks like you're on a mobile device. It might be best if you use the site on a computer first to get the hang of everything.
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