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Sep 23, 2009
I've added a picture gallery to the forums. The link is at the top of the forums, beside the search button. The max size that can be uploaded is 8MB and 2500x2500 px.

Right now, the only categories are for the roller coasters, but I'll be adding more in the near future as pictures start getting added.
Would you happen to know if you can take tripods into the park? I would love to get some HDR's of Nessie
Scoutn757 said:
Would you happen to know if you can take tripods into the park? I would love to get some HDR's of Nessie

Yeah, you can take tripods in.
Not unless you can fit the tripod in your pocket. A full sized one is a no-go from a security point of view. You would need to be escorted around the park and for just taking leisurely pictures, that's not going to happen.

Chris, are you sure about the (full sized) tripods being allowed in the park? I know it's one of the items in the security list. :dodgy:
:( that stinks. I would love to snap some HDR's from the bridge just before sunset. Something tells me those would look good... I guess I can double strap it and set it in the rail since it is fairly wide
I've taken a fullsize tripod into the park and had it setup in one spot for about three hours (timelapse). Wasn't even in my backpack, it's too big to fit. I guess I'd check with the park.
I guess I could try it and see, worse comes to worse I can take it back to my car and double strap it
Hmm, well ... I don't know. Technically, full-size tripods aren't allowed in the park. Maybe it was an off day or the security is being more lenient with that specific rule? I can't (and won't) speak for Security - that's way out of my area of expertise. As Chris said, though - I'd contact the park itself before bringing it - or at least be prepared to take the tripod back to the car from the checkpoint.

I don't want to say anything one way or another in this case. Good luck with that, though. Let us know what happens!
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