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Nov 24, 2009
Does anyone know what Photo System the park uses when they snap a photo on a regular camera and they give you a card and when you take it to adventure photo they scan it and have your photo although they never plug the camera in to transfer the photo?

I believe it is a wireless system that they use... the card is so the computer knows which photo is yours
Party Rocker said:
How does the photo match with the card?

They scan the card after the photo, so it sends that data of the barcode with the photo, so when they scan the barcode at adventure photo, the computer pulls it up, no matter how long ago they took the photo
well, it probably dumps the photos after a certain amount of time. I know disney holds them for about 3-6 months. I can't remember exactly.
I was thinking the camera and computer are linked and the card refers to the order of photos for a specific camera.

Like, the cards are numbered cam 1 pic 1 and then goes in order and yet hand the cards out in order so that the computer can link to the memory card and check the order of photos on each camera.
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