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I hate to say it, because it is one of the cutest shows in the park, but I hardly ever catch the show! I never make it a priority to see it and I always catch it in passing and behind the "rope of power" once the show starts.
What about the Ultimate Animals Tour? You get all three (not Birds of Prey) for pretty cheap. I am hoping to do that later in the summer.
Found the first picture I've ever seen of the first iteration of Pet Shenanigans. Anyone have more?


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Lighter colored wood - any of that relatively new?

Also, it's hard to tell - looks like if they cleaned it up it'd be ready to go for another another season. I'm guessing there's rotted boards in there somewhere, but that can't be more than a week or two of find and replace?
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Lighter colored wood - any of that relatively new?

Also, it's hard to tell - looks like if they cleaned it up it'd be ready to go for another another season. I'm guessing there's rotted boards in there somewhere, but that can't be more than a week or two of find and replace?
The center section of seats which is what is most easily seen here were all replaced in prep for the 2020 season the seats on either side as well as the staircase were planned to be replaced in 2021 as part of a rolling refurbishment of the theater. Work to replace the stage roof was underway and then shuttered during the Covid shutdown and to the best of my knowledge never completed leading to significant water intrusion and mold growth. Those are the major issues that I am aware of but I am fairly certain the list is far longer.
I've always thought that the stage would be amazing for acoustic acts! I hope they rehab the venue!
As of this afternoon the venue appears untouched that should likely put the final nail in the coffin to rumors of it's use this summer.


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