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Aug 28, 2012
I have never been to BGT yet, but I will be going in a few months. We normally get to BGW first thing in the morning before the park's actually "opening time". Basically we arrive around 9 because England and Scotland will generally open before the 10 opening time. I was wondering if BGT works the same way with their schedule, I couldn't find anything anywhere about it. We are staying at a hotel very close by and waiting until 10 to get in is going to be very difficult for me to do. Anyways, any info about arrival times at the park or any other tips/tricks that you could think of to help us out would be great. We are only going to be in Tampa for 2 days so whatever we can do to make the most of our time would be great to know.
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Generally, the park's posted opening time is the actual time the park opens to guests. The parking lot opens about 30 minutes prior to posted park opening time.

The bag check and turnstiles are usually open 30 minutes before park opening as well, and you are held just inside the turnstiles in the first courtyard.

When the park opens at the appointed hour, only the front half of the park is actually open. The back half of the park opens 30 minutes later. This will likely change some as currently Timbuktu is part of that delayed opening, but with Falcon's Fury opening, I imagine it will be open with the rest of park at that point.
Thanks a lot for the info, this should help us out a lot on our trip. Can't wait to finally make it down there, we've never been able to make it and I'm really looking forward to seeing the progress on Falcon's Fury when we're there.
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