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Nov 1, 2012
The CP Food Blog Site had another update about the 2nd Haunt VIP meal and referenced your review of it. I scrolled down further on the blog main page and found some other Haunt/Fall related food offerings that I did not notice before. (Credit CP Food Blog site)

Kings Dominion Special Haunt Treats (October 4-5, 2014)

Executive Chef Paul Maloney also has a busy weekend ahead. In addition to Picnic in the Park, Haunt VIP Meal, and Oktoberfest (see above), he will also be introducing some delectable treats.

– Different mixed sodas
– Pumpkin doughnut milkshakes at Fountain and Floats
– Bacon wrapped turkey legs
– Deep fried bacon on a stick

Visitors to Kings Dominion have such an amazing opportunity to try some amazing foods. Which will you be trying this weekend?

Also, there was more on the Octoberfest event at KD, below the entry above, about an Octoberfest picnic. I think I need to look here more often because a couple things in this entry, I never saw on the parks web site! [EDIT] The poster for OctoberFest picnic was for 2011 NOT 2014.

CP Food Blog
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