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Nov 14, 2009
Williamsburg, VA
Well, my wife and I went to the park for opening day yesterday. The kids were in school, so this was a rare chance for us to get out without them. We got to the park at around 9:45 and had to leave at 1:45 in order to be home to get my daughter off the bus.

Basically, the park was empty and the weather was terrible. It reminded me alot of the last day of the regular season last year. The rain started about 10:15 and kept up pretty much the whole time at any degree from misting to downpour. It got really, really windy as the day went on, which made it really, really cold.

Since we didn't have the kids, and the weather was bad, we basically just strolled around the park, checking out all the shops (which we can never do normally), grabbing a drink here or there and basically just chilling. We hung out in Grogan's Pub for awhile. Grogan's Grill was closed, but they were selling beef stew at the bar in the pub (the first time I'd seen that). We kept an eye on the Abbeystone the whole time to make sure we could see the 1:00 (and first ever!) show of Celtic Fyre.

There was not line for Celtic Fyre and they are remodeling the front entrance so they let us all in on the side. Maybe on 60-70 people total were there and many seemed to be family of the cast. It was announced that the show will be considered in "preview" status for the next few weeks and they will continue to make tweaks based on feedback and have some planned elements that just haven't been finished yet.

The theater looked awesome. I mean, completely transformed from last year. The show itself was very lively, and included a bit of everything (slow songs, uptempo songs, solo performances, group, instrumental, traditional Irish dance, tap dance, a backstory, etc). I'm not a theater critic, but I can say we enjoyed it a lot and I sure we'll see it 100 times this year:)

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