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RE: On Broadway (2013- Current)

Check out the MoonMaxx Productions Facebook site under "Recent Posts". A person has posted 3 videos of the "On Broadway" show from this past weekends opening. Not sure if these 3 videos compose the whole show or just certain parts of it.
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RE: On Broadway (2013- Current)

I nosed around YouTube and found, what appears to be, a full length video of the show "On BroadWay". I assume that this person wanted an un-obstructive view; so they must have sat in the 1st or 2nd row. My personal opinion is that they were too close and needed to be 4-5 rows further back; given the size of the stage and number of performers. Plus, they had a couple places where it was blurry. I could only watch the first 5-6 minutes; so, I don't know the whole flow of the show (musical numbers, costumes, etc.). It appears that "On Broadway" does have a story line about some fictitious awards show and an explanation about what you were going to see. The vocals were very good as well as the few costumes I did see. The couple sets I saw were a little rudimentary. But, I am not going to jump down MoonMaxx Productions or even Kings Dominions throat about that. I blame Cedar Fair for not putting in a couple 100 thousand more dollars into bringing the sets up to par with the talent and costumes.

Anywhoo, I will try to watch the whole show sometime this week. I don't think I will get back to the park until sometime around the 4th of July week. At that point, all shows will be up and running for 2-3 weeks. Hopefully any technical bugs will be worked out by then.
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RE: On Broadway (2013- Current)

Judging by the clips from the facebook page, I was no impressed at all. I have no idea when I will able to get to the park to see it in person, as it has been almost 2 months since my last visit. Luckily not much has gone on since then.
RE: On Broadway (2013 to Present)

If you ever wondered what On Broadway would have been like with actual sets, here's Cedar Point's version of the show:

(I think we had the better cast, though ;))

I actually loved this show; it was far better than KD40 On Stage. I hope it returns someday, perhaps with an improved set. The set was really the only issue with this show, which is still the best show I have ever seen myself at Kings Dominion.

What did everyone else think about this show? It's not like this thread is one hundred pages shorter than the LR thread or anything...
RE: On Broadway (2013 only)

I liked On Broadway better than KD-40. Mushroom puppets mixed with On-Broadway would be BoMb!
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