Doesnt matter. I get into this argument all the time. Hyper =/= airtimepalooza.
Look at the rating on I305, even when it had the trims and only one or two pops of airtime. Also The braking on Goliath is pretty harsh, but that didnt kill the rest of speed on the ride. Any faster and you would still have people blacking out (people still reportedly black and grey out WITH the current MCBR).
I mean, "Just a bunch of turns and helices"? You may like drops on a coaster, but lack of drops doesnt make a bad coaster. All we see now from B&M is one trick ponies. I like a coaster that can balance out turns, drops and inversions. Goliath takes care of both drops and turns quite well. The design of the coaster is clearly not to float you. It's not just sposed to give you a balls to the wall, head against headrest intensity-fest either... but it gives you a taste of both quite well...,
And I find it funny that you call SFMM's Goliath layout uneventful and uninteresting compared to this:
That layout is about as "eventful" as a oval track nascar race... It does the same thing over, and over, and over...