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Nov 5, 2009
Busch Gardens' web site has the info page which includes info on the ride's appeal. According to them this is one that has low appeal across the board, not to say it's bad, just don't expect anything huge.
Fur Dozy said:
Busch Gardens' web site has the info page which includes info on the ride's appeal. According to them this is one that has low appeal across the board, not to say it's bad, just don't expect anything huge.

I wouldn't suggest anyone getting hyped up about this ride. I'm looking at it as a nice little show where you can get a break from the heat in the middle of the summer. The motion aspect will just be a plus.

The little appeal meter at the bottom is almost the same as it is for Curse of DarKastle, but obviously even tamer, thus the lower rating for coaster riders.
To continue my negative nancy thing, in addition to the new Abbey Stone Theater redesign, I really dislike the idea of an airport in Ireland. It doesn't match the outside stone facade, it's way too modern and ruins the illusion of stepping back in time to a more magical historical Ireland and... I mean... ugh. I just don't know about all this. First with the skateboarders and whatnot in front of the festhaus and now an airport terminal where once there was a beautiful stone tunnel with glittering walls... I'm only 25 but I feel like an ornery old man with all these changes. What's happening to my beloved Busch Gardens?

Get off my lawn. >: (
Merboy said:
To continue my negative nancy thing, in addition to the new Abbey Stone Theater redesign, I really dislike the idea of an airport in Ireland. It doesn't match the outside stone facade, it's way too modern and ruins the illusion of stepping back in time to a more magical historical Ireland and... I mean... ugh. I just don't know about all this. First with the skateboarders and whatnot in front of the festhaus and now an airport terminal where once there was a beautiful stone tunnel with glittering walls... I'm only 25 but I feel like an ornery old man with all these changes. What's happening to my beloved Busch Gardens?

Get off my lawn. >: (

Well, at least there's sheep herding...
I havent heard one person that is excited enough to justify spending millions of dollars in this economy to replace CSH with EITA. Given the old ride was aging but the theme was still great. The old theme looked the part and was timeless. With the new theme I'll have to close my eyes and focus so as not to confuse the new queue with Disney's Space Mountain.
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