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Wow, that sucks =( Hopefully they will put something else there like a bathroom haha since the nearest one is all the way in Scotland
Although I can see where they're coming from with it not getting enough sales, that really upsets me. On my annual trip, I get the photo every time. Oh well.
Since that building was only there 4 years, I'd expect they might just get rid of it.
I think they will use for food or retail. But, since they already have retail shop there, I see them putting in food related instead.
Swiftman said:
Shafor said:
They need a stand with popcorn refills there. That's right in the middle of a huge popcorn dry spot.

Agreed. That area needs a place with free water.
I can second that. But, if we get free water it will be in form of a water fountain:D.
And they'll fill any cup you bring with water. You can bring your favorite travel cup from home (even if it's a non-BG item) and they will fill it with ice water. (Pretip: Bring a couple of those drink packets in your pocket, like lemonade or fruit punch, to mix in the water for a flavored drink. Totally free)
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Where were the photos at? I know there was a small retail shop on the main walkway but I don't remember photos...
Wait, why would they use that for food? It's facing the ride for gods sake! If anything they should do Pompeii merchandise and stuff, but that seems pointless since there is already a merchandise shop in that area.
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