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Apr 29, 2011
A Nitro train gets stuck on the lift and OF COURSE it has to make the news! :-/
Wow, and we were JUST talking about this in the griffon harness thread!! :p
Rode this yesterday and it was my first B&M hyper or whatever. I thought it was a lot of fun, and the operations on it were efficient. 3 trains and basically no stacking. It certainly helps that there's no seat belts. Though they seemed quite a bit too lax on the no loose articles policy. I watched one person get on the train with their phone and when the op got to them to check restraint, they waited for them to put their phone in a buttonless pocket and they didn't bat an eye. What is the point of this no loose articles policy if they are going to do that? Also on our 3rd ride I got hit with flying change, though I don't blame the ops for that. They couldn't know somebody was going to be stupid in that way. It didn't hurt or anything, but it was annoying.
Your first B&M Hyper? I guess it's safe to assume that BGW is not your home park? Most folks around here have ridden Apollo.

I am really surprised to hear that they are running 3 train operations with no stacking. It really it hit or miss at a SF park; some days have decent ops other days not.
Your first B&M Hyper? I guess it's safe to assume that BGW is not your home park? Most folks around here have ridden Apollo.

I am really surprised to hear that they are running 3 train operations with no stacking. It really it hit or miss at a SF park; some days have decent ops other days not.

Yeah, I'm near Baltimore. I haven't been to BGW since they still had Big Bad Wolf. Believe me I do want to get back there, but it's a more expensive trip since I can't day trip it. Maybe next year is the year. Or maybe I should wait for the mysterious 2021 attraction....
Ah Ok, so SFA is your home park then! Kinda explains the trip to SFGAdv then, I love that you can get into all their parks with that pass.
Ah Ok, so SFA is your home park then! Kinda explains the trip to SFGAdv then, I love that you can get into all their parks with that pass.

Yeah, plus we got our Gold passes dirt cheap. Pretty sure it was about $54 in April. Well, plus taxes and order fee. Still dirt cheap and good at all parks with parking included. Curiously enough we only got these passes for the first time this year. I'm 45 minutes from SFA, but I guess I took all the bashing of SFA to heart and so I had season passes to KD the last two years. That's a long drive (and a terrible one - in comparison SFGAdv was 2.5 hours, which is a little longer, but it was a super easy drive even on a Thursday morning. Very little traffic at all). SFA is not a bad park. Better than it gets credited for. It's of course much smaller than GAdv and the operations aren't as good, but they don't really have to be there. Lines seem to always be short. Plus their water park is pretty nice. It is going to be quite a step down to go back to SFA now, though. Maybe I should have stayed away from SFGAdv!
Sorry to revive a dead thread but Nitro is apparently receiving a retheme, repaint, and most importantly a 4th train for next season! Paint will be bright blue and green - the theory is they may be reusing the name and entrance sign from Six Flags New England’s former Goliath

Edit: the name change has garnered far more discussion than the paint and train, which unlike the Goliath rumor are confirmed to be happening. Keep in mind the name change is nothing more than that: a RUMOR
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It's not free when you have to transport, wire for power if it lights up, and install the sign; much less pay to change every mention of the ride as Nitro in park, online, etc. You're also dumping any existing merch, at best at discounted prices.
Nitro and Goliath are about equally generic. The change doesn't really bother me, but it's not a good change either. New paint sounds good, though.
I mean at least there aren’t 6 other Nitros in the world 5 of them on the same continent. But oh well the ride needs those paint brushes more than our thoosie coaster name pickiness.
I really hope this isn't true. Goliath is one of very few names that could make Nitro more generic.
The paint colors supposedly are accurate, but I’m with you on the name. That is just a theory, and given how nice the entrance sign and logo are currently I have my doubts, but I did want to acknowledge that it was out there
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