RE: New Summertime Event Debuting in 2014
I've been looking through these IllumiNights replacement threads a bit, and I think Pretzel touched on something important that I would like to clarify a bit more.
IllumiNights was
supposed to be about an enchanted garden of light, a graceful event full magic and dazzling lights. When I first heard about IllumiNights, I was very excited because it meant I was going to see my favorite, beautiful park in a new, even more magical form. One only needs to reference
the IllumiNights logo in order to figure out what the event was supposed to be like. And while even the first years failed to meet my original expectations, it still more or less fit the overall theme of the event.
It quickly dove away from that, though, and became more of just a big cheese-fest, totally abandoning the "magic" and "grace" and "garden of light" theme. First, we had Wunderbarn, a show so gaudy that to this day it still horrifies me and makes me *thankful* for Glow Tree 2013. (Note that I actually didn't mind Clocktoberfest, event though it killed the look of the Festhaus.) Then, we had the lightning bugs and our French snail friend--which, in all honesty, could have had the potential to embrace the "enchanted" feel, but instead only upped the cheese factor (not to mention the
"WTF?!" Factor). Soon after we had Killarney Kommotion, the most horrific and cheesy show I've ever seen Busch Gardens show, second only to Wunderbarn. Finally, aside from the IllumiNights theme song (which I think fits what the event
should have been perfectly), and where they had the potential to play very uplifting, enchanting music throughout the park (a contrast to the subtle music normally played in the hamlets), they instead chose modern pop music from the hamlet's represented country, which would be a much better fit at Kings Dominion. With the exception of Giardino Magico, the park pretty much lacked anything reminiscent of the original theme of the event. This gaudiness was a total misfit from the classiness and natural, mystical beauty of the park by itself.
But you guys already knew that. But here is my fear: I fear that Mr. G will take IllumiNights' death as an opportunity to take a direct approach at the true theme behind IllumiNights 2013: a gaudy, "cool" attempt at showing the least-common-denominator-population that the park is still "hip" and to pay no attention to the old country theme behind the curtain. I fear an entire event actually meant to be FOCUSED on the likes of Killarney Kommotion, Wunderbarn, the Glow Tree, and pop music will take the place of what was supposed to be a magical event. Of course, there is always the chance of something good coming out of this: maybe with this new event they'll really try and focus harder on a more graceful event, really
bring to light* the "garden of light" theme.
*No pun intended! For instance, I'm not sure if Mr. G gets all the credit for this, but Food & Wine Festival was a great, classy event that did a fantastic job introducing a new approach towards experiencing such a great, classy park. Unfortunately, I fear that Door Number One is the more likely approach, which makes me weep for the future.
I'm certain that, one way or another, that man is going to drive this once-thriving park crashing to the ground.
Joe out.