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Nov 14, 2009
Williamsburg, VA
Last night as we were leaving the park (around 10:20), we saw a quartet of musicians dressed like English bobbies set up on the little deck next to the new stroller rental area at the entrance. Perhaps some new "welcome" music in the future?
I just wanted to bring this back up. They other day I went around the park and I saw street performers in Italy, France, and England. That was pretty cool. I was hearing some good music while I was at the italian restaurant and I thought it was coming from a CD on the speakers. Then I saw the performers just finishing up. A small crowd had gathered to watch them and applauded them when they finished. I think it's pretty cool that they're bringing out these musicians for each of the countries. I haven't seen anything in Ireland yet. Anyone else seen something there?
I'm really glad to see stuff like this coming back. This is what builds up my faith in Blackstone more and more.
I saw a group of four performers headed towards Rheinfeld the other day. Like the band that performs in Das Festhaus, but only smaller. I guess they were performing in that section of the park.

And I agree with Swift, glad to see this kind of stuff coming back.

As a side note, not sure if anyone remembers or noticed, but they were giving out peanuts and soda at the Europe in the Air opening. Obviously it went along with the theme of the ride, but I couldn't help but be reminded of when they would give out free peanuts or chips as people were leaving the park. Riding the tram with my chips after playing all day in Eagles Nest was a pretty awesome end to the day.
Oh, when you were leaving and you got a bag of those AB Kettle Cooked Potato Chips; it was a good day indeed! My dad used to sneak back and go to the other side to get another bag. Yep; that was my dad. When it comes to free food, he never messes around! You should see him at Costco. ;)
I saw about four bands on Sunday, and none of them were in Festhaus Park. There were bands in France, England, New France, and some acrobatic teams on stilts in San Marco. I think black stone wants to use what they can to improve the park. KD has rides but thats where it ends. Busch has always been good on scenery, food, atmosphere, and even more now, shows. The one ting I hope is that they return the festhaus to normal condition when they finish.
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