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ParkFans Founder
Silver Donor
Jun 2, 2011
Raleigh, NC
So I am not really sure why a thread hasn't been created for the new Chinese parks yet, probably because I never created them... :p

So in case you missed it, SixFlags and real estate partner(s) as constructing new parks in China. The previously announced parks are SixFlags Zhejiang slated to open in 2019 and Six Flags Chongqing with a 2020 projected opening. Yesterday wrote that SixFlags has announced the construction of three more parks to open in 2020. Two of these parks, SixFlags Kid World will open adjacent to both Zhejiang and Chongqing. Both being parks geared towards families with smaller children in a similar vain as Sesame Place. While the third park, SixFlags Adventure Park will be built adjecent to the Chongqing park and main feature attractions such has outdoor sports, motocross bicycle racing, whitewater rafting, sip lining and rock climbing. Not to mention there will be Hurricane Harbors included with both properties as well.

Check out the announcement here.
With rides like:
A People's Hypercoaster, "The Long March"
The States Troika, "the Red Star"
Meo's train ride to meet Stalin, "The Sino-Soviet Express"
and most anticipated...
The Parties Launched record breaking, terrain following, Giga-Coaster, "the Dialectic".
The entire park will of course be built by the peoples abilities for the peoples needs.
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