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Sep 23, 2009
The Daily Press said:
An indoor water park could be splashing down to the lower Peninsula, if plans to substantially expand the former Omni Hotel bear fruit.

The water park would represent a $35 million investment and create 500 jobs, said hotel owner Ray Patel.


Patel said his grand vision includes building a five-story, 50,000-square-foot water park and more than doubling the capacity of the hotel by adding a wing with 230 rooms. A parking garage would also be built.

"I want to complete this within two years," Patel told the Daily Press on Wednesday.

Sounds pretty ambitious. Source via Screamscape
Do we really need another water park on the peninsula? GWL has enough trouble trying to stay afloat and that place is surrounded by history and is a destination. The Omni is a has been hotel in Newport News in the not so stellar part of town.
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Not every park makes their own recipe for pretzels, most just buy them frozen. By that logic, I would have visited Ocean Breeze by now.

Spoiler: I haven't.
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