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only to have my thirst quenched by the gooey, gritty liquid.

It still boggles my mind that y'all get different hand soap scents. Back at BGT, you get antibacterial foam soap and that's it. Take it or leave it.
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Some of the hand sanitizer dispensers at Hershey dispense sanitizer that smells like cheese.

It's a really weird smell when you expect to be cleaning your hands.
The hand sanitizer at BGW has an interesting smell to it as well. I'm not sure what it smells like but I wouldn't describe it as pleasant.
The hand sanitizer at SFGAdv smelled like piña coladas. That was awesome. Maybe they bought their alcohol-based hand sanitizer and alcoholic drinks from the same place to cut down on costs :p
I may be inexperienced in the art of soap-testing, but I have become quite talented in the art of bathroom comparing. This being said, I think lemon soap should be in the bathrooms near Marco Polo Marketplace, and lavender should be used In France.
In the late 80s/early 90s, I remember all of the bathrooms having a soap scent I can only describe as “industrial lavender.” I liked the scent, but perhaps that was because I was an excited kid who liked everything about BGW. Regardless, I like the idea of having hamlet specific soap. I think someone had mentioned this thread was started as a joke, but I think soap scent is a big deal. Aromatherapy is a popular thing after all.
I think a great sponsorship would be dottera essential oils throughout the park in some of the indoor gift shops. The park already has some recognizable smells such as the heavy chlorine by the flume or EFP, that all too familiar Festhaus smell, and the overwhelming aroma of barbecue and train smog in New France. Some park specific essential oils, through any company, could honestly be a great move on the parks part. Sell them in-store and make them specific to the hamlet they're in, and have a few diffusers in the gift shops emitting the smell. Obviously they wouldn't smell like some of the scents found in the park, but they could base them around various plants extracts that are native to that specific country. Everyone loves a gift shop with a nice smell, and consumers especially love it when you can bring it back home.
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