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in The Vault
Sep 28, 2009
New York
Alright, do you guys think there is going to be anything new for 2010. I don't think there will be, Busch usually adds every other year and money is tight due to the recession. If they don't mention anything soon they either aren't spilling the beans until close to opening day 2011, or there will be nothing. What do you guys think?
I'd be surprised if we get anything new in 2010. I think '10 will be a building year, although it will be interesting to see what will happen with HOS '10 if Festhaus Park is being turned into Spain. The park will have to come up with some way of replacing the attractions there. I was thinking that the stables in Heatherdowns will be there still (unoccupied) and it would be interesting to see a conversion to a maze in there. It could work it's way in and out of the building and the land there could be used for a harvest hollow type attraction.
I haven't heard whether or not Kinetix will be coming back next year and if Festhaus Park is not available for concerts due to construction I'm guessing that the RPT would be once again used for concerts. I've only heard of three acts scheduled so far for next season, but clearly there will still be shows. Anyone else heard anything or have any thoughts about it?
If they build a new country, couldn't they just build buildings and everything in front of the current building used for HOS? Yes, they would loose the room that they used for Harvest Hollow this year, but I don't think that it would be that much of a lose, would it?
I don't think anything will happen next year. I think so much was put into Forest of Fun and Christmas Town that there's just not enough capital to start anything new for next year, but I guess we'll just have to wait and see.
I think there should be plenty of capital available for future projects in the budget. Blackstone has made clear that they are willing to invest in the parks beyond the cost of purchase. I'm expecting to see some construction starting next year in the Festhaus Park area. But, like you said, we'll just have to wait and see.
The only thing I hope with the loss of the Clydesdales, if the idea I submitted years ago to Busch that they convert the land behind and including Festa Italia to Greece and connect the Rhine River Cruise to have a docking port there as well.

I know they are chomping at the bit to do something with the BBW site, but this concept would provide a better flow of traffic in that particular area as it could have another entrance from Italy itself (making a circle and not one entrance into Festa as it stands now). Doing this would also provide an obvious (weather) sheltered eating area (I suggested a Parthenon structure) that houses Greek Food and entertainment. This seems so much more logical and well, awesome than Spain behind Germany. My concept also included a drop ride called "the Fall of Icarus" (well themed of course), Apollo's Chariot reamains the same because Apollo is the same name in Both Greek and Roman Mythology ironically, and Roman Rapids could easily be changed to the "Grecian Gorge Adventure" or something along those lines. Simple, money saving and efficient.

Still, I doubt my idea will win out. Never hurts to keep trying I say.

Honestly, I am nervous. Already the Wolf is no more, the park has the second "new" owner and we have no idea how true to the original concept of the park will remain the same. I often think of the Busch Family concept of having the "Old Country" come alive and how far the park has already strayed from that.

My first prayer is they stop cutting down swaths of trees for new projects. Work WITH the landscape Blackstone...please.
First of all, let me say welcome back Nora! It's been awhile since we heard from you, it's always good to hear your ideas and insights.

Second, I agree with you. I think it would make more sense for Greece to go into the newly vacant land than for something to go up in the Festhaus Park area. I think it would be good for Festa to get a refresh. It feels stagnant and like it's just a dead end. I think it would benefit much more from the added foot traffic than a new country would benefit Oktoberfest (as Oktoberfest is always popular anyways).

I'm hoping that Blackstone will just be willing to sit back, invest in the parks and leave the management of the park to park management. I'm also hoping that the recent trend of tree clearing is just an effect of the type of attractions that have been put in and not a new trend we should expect. I recently went to the Tampa park and the land around SheiKra was clear cut also along with the new construction for their Sesame Street area. I'm hoping the only swaths of trees they cut down are the paths a coaster will travel down.
That is my main concern as well. I have said it before, and I will say it again, Griffon destroyed the scenery of France, Scotland, and even some of New France, because they just clear-cut everything. TREES are one of the main things that set BGW apart from KD, and IMO one of the main reasons that they win the award for most beautiful park in the country.
Swiftman said:
That is my main concern as well. I have said it before, and I will say it again, Griffon destroyed the scenery of France, Scotland, and even some of New France, because they just clear-cut everything. TREES are one of the main things that set BGW apart from KD, and IMO one of the main reasons that they win the award for most beautiful park in the country.

Yea, I know, Griffon is a good ride but it was devastating. They need to plant some saplings over by Griffon. Trees also helped keep some seperation of the countries. You can be standing in Germany and see France which is unrealistic.

If they take out of anything in Festhaus park I would expect to see them leave the Drachen Fire Station but destroy the garage. Simply to allow use of the Station for future events.
I'm hoping the only swaths of trees they cut down are the paths a coaster will travel down. _ Chris, Amen to this! I love coasters that run through the trees! Even though the Grizzly at Kings Dominion crushes my spine with every ride, I still love it being all tucked in the forest.. makes it an adventure and not oooooooOOoo look at the landscape of pavement, while you are plummeting down a hill.

About Griffin, I doubt the ride needed the trees to be cut; more like Busch wanted it to be seen from everywhere. Kind of like Theme Park Bling. "Lookie at how big our coaster is.. buy a photo here, gaze upon its glory!" I just think about how Busch Gardens has always considered the landscape and shaping the coaster to the lay of the land and not shaping the land to the coaster. Grr..:mad: And Swiftman, you are right. Though it is nice to see the coasters convene in one area like a giant multi-colored serpent, standing on Killarny Bridge and being able to see directly into France makes me miss that quite rumble of Le Mans cars rolling through the mature trees and shrubs so very much.

As you were saying about Park Management, I do hope they regain control. I did hear an interesting story about how the park was not so happy about the area around Forest of Fun (that has no forest) as they apparently had no control over how Sesame Street built the area. I also heard that BG wanted better colors too.. like Forest Green and Burgundy.. more natural, blending in colors to the park. Again, foiled by the annoying powerhouse of Elmo.

By the way Chris, I was traveling out to the mountains and have just returned. I also had some major event planning at work, so finally I have a moment to catch up on things. It is nice to be back, and thanks so much for your kind words! :blush:
Emo... heh~

Hey, did you ever see the MadTv skit where they had a toy called Tickle Me Emo? The kid would squeeze Emo Elmo's Hand and he started to shake and cry saying depressing things. You can find it on Youtube by typing "Tickle me Emo".

My friend and I went to BG one day and while we were waiting to get in the parking gate we saw six Emo kids walking by towards the park... from the interstate no less. My friend said..."awwwww, Emo Kids don't have cars." After that, that is all I can think of when I hear the word Emo.
Congrats Nora, the following is going into my favorite quotes list:

My friend and I went to BG one day and while we were waiting to get in the parking gate we saw six Emo kids walking by towards the park... from the interstate no less. My friend said..."awwwww, Emo Kids don't have cars."
Trees have defiantly been on the downfall of changes in the past few years. They need to plant some saplings around the forest of fun, or they might as well change the name to "Sesame Street that has no business being a park themed of European Countries"
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