I'm hoping the only swaths of trees they cut down are the paths a coaster will travel down. _ Chris, Amen to this! I love coasters that run through the trees! Even though the Grizzly at Kings Dominion crushes my spine with every ride, I still love it being all tucked in the forest.. makes it an adventure and not oooooooOOoo look at the landscape of pavement, while you are plummeting down a hill.
About Griffin, I doubt the ride needed the trees to be cut; more like Busch wanted it to be seen from everywhere. Kind of like Theme Park Bling. "Lookie at how big our coaster is.. buy a photo here, gaze upon its glory!" I just think about how Busch Gardens has always considered the landscape and shaping the coaster to the lay of the land and not shaping the land to the coaster. Grr..
And Swiftman, you are right. Though it is nice to see the coasters convene in one area like a giant multi-colored serpent, standing on Killarny Bridge and being able to see directly into France makes me miss that quite rumble of Le Mans cars rolling through the mature trees and shrubs so very much.
As you were saying about Park Management, I do hope they regain control. I did hear an interesting story about how the park was not so happy about the area around Forest of Fun (that has no forest) as they apparently had no control over how Sesame Street built the area. I also heard that BG wanted better colors too.. like Forest Green and Burgundy.. more natural, blending in colors to the park. Again, foiled by the annoying powerhouse of Elmo.
By the way Chris, I was traveling out to the mountains and have just returned. I also had some major event planning at work, so finally I have a moment to catch up on things. It is nice to be back, and thanks so much for your kind words! :blush: