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Sep 23, 2009
If Busch Gardens was to add a new flat ride, what kind would you like it to be?

I think a top spin or a frisbee could be fun.
Yeah, I'm pretty sure if they put that in the park it would immediately become my favorite flat. That looks awesome! It would easily become the most popular flat ride in the park and it would be great to see people's faces when they saw someone spinning around if they didn't know they could do that.

Good find. That has my vote, I might write the park an email.
Yeah, I've never seen a ride like that before, it would be great to see it in BGW.
It's German, so it would fit well in Germany.

Very cool and different. I only wish you had the choice of spinning forward or backwards, too, not just sideways. That ride might be a bit more complex.
kcracken said:
It's German, so it would fit well in Germany.

Very cool and different. I only wish you had the choice of spinning forward or backwards, too, not just sideways. That ride might be a bit more complex.

Yeah, not sure how the arm could accommodate a rotation on multiple axes but that could be a very disorienting/fun experience.
Chris said:
kcracken said:
It's German, so it would fit well in Germany.

Very cool and different. I only wish you had the choice of spinning forward or backwards, too, not just sideways. That ride might be a bit more complex.

Yeah, not sure how the arm could accommodate a rotation on multiple axes but that could be a very disorienting/fun experience.

Actually, it is possible. I don't know if you have been to the Air and Space museum in Hampton, but they have something that you control, that can flip you any way you want to go. Here is a video:

When I was in control, it was a lot crazier than that though... :cool:
I know it wouldn't be put into a theme park, especially Busch, because of capacity.
I've actually thought about this now... (I watch a lot of Mythbusters. Physics can be fun!)

A post with a ball on the end. The seat is controlled by the ball. That can go forwards, backwards and side to side.

I'm trying to think of something that uses this idea, but it's eluding me... :blush:
Chris said:
Yeah, I'm pretty sure if they put that in the park it would immediately become my favorite flat. That looks awesome! It would easily become the most popular flat ride in the park and it would be great to see people's faces when they saw someone spinning around if they didn't know they could do that.

Good find. That has my vote, I might write the park an email.

I don't know about a new flat, there aren't many more styles of flats (that I've seen around) that could actually be placed somewhere to represent a theme of a country.
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