Hey Oldtimer! Great question!
Owls in this area of Virginia are: Screech Owls, Barred Owls, Barn Owls, and Great Horned Owls.
Barred Owl Calls are my favorite and I love to try to replicate the call. They sound like "Hoot-hoot-hoot-hoot.. hoot-hoot-hoo-hooooOOO" with the last note being higher in pitch: http://www.owlpages.com/sounds/Strix-varia-1.mp3
Great Horned, the most common owl call is plain Hoots - kind of "hoo-hoo-hooo........hoooo-hooooo": http://www.owlpages.com/sounds/Bubo-virginianus-4.mp3
Screech Owls; that do not technically "screech" sound like a horse whinny or high to low pitch series of trills and sometimes just one long trill note. "HOOOooooooooo....HOOooooo" I can actually make this sound..but it kills the throat!: http://www.owlpages.com/sounds/Megascops-asio-2.mp3
Barn Owls are the real screech owls as per the sounds found in the above post.
I have a pair of Great Horned owls living nearby and a screech owl living in my little owl box in my backyard. Yes, you can by screech owl boxes... kid you not. Screech owls are very small owls; about the size of a softball...so CUTE!
If you figure out what owl lives near your home, let me know! By the way, besides "Queen of Useless Information", my friends at work also call me "Owl Lady".
spookybri said:
i think that owl poop cause when they do their business its fluffy and you can find animal bones in it
Well, owl poop is liquid, gooey, and smelly (cleaned a lot of it up- first hand account there). "Owl Puke" or Owl Pellets as we call them are what you are talking about. Owls eat their food whole; or mostly whole- bones, fur, everything. They are unable to digest bones and fur - so the undigested material collects in the gullet and is regurgitated and expelled in a pellet form. The contents of a bird's pellet depend on its diet, but can include the exoskeletons of insects, indigestible plant matter, bones, fur, feathers, bills, claws, and teeth. In falconry, the pellet is called a casting. Yummy!
You can buy these "pellets" at science stores- dissect them and build a little skeleton of whatever the bird ate. I did this one, and glued together an entire skeleton of a shrew. However, if you find one lying around.. don't do this. The ones in the stores are kept sanitary and clean. If you "find" one, it may have some nasty bacteria and viruses on them. Ick.