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Nov 1, 2012
Well, I was browsing the Facebook sites for some of Kings Dominion's former Entertainment Production Companies and it appears MoonMaxx is back for Haunt 2015 entertainment. They had a July 7th post about producing "a show" for Halloween Haunt 2015 at Kings Dominion. Looks like they are looking for dancers and improv actors (I did not see any singers in the audition notice).

They're Baaaacccckkkk!

I assume that Les Productions Haut-Vol might be doing a Halloween production as well since they did "Skeleton Crew" last fall.
I wonder if MoonMaxx is producing the International Street Stage Haunt show and the dance group in white from last season as well?)

The Intl. Street stage production focuses on dance routines with lip synching to the music. Since their audition is looking just for dancers and improv actors, I wonder if that is what their role is for the 2015 Haunt?

I am curious about what the park will do with the improv actors for Haunt.

I would not be surprised if the Quebec Production company, Haut-Vol, holds on to the KD Theater for a Halloween version of their cirque show this fall. I believe one of the other CF parks changed over from the summer cirque show to a Halloween version last fall. I am not sure if it was Kings Island or Canada's Wonderland.
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