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RE: Minor Changes (2013)

- 3 Point Challenge net extension. This change has probably been overlooked by some, however they are extending the net a few more feet on the side by the bushed where the train is just down the hill. I hear this is an attempt to prevent loss of balls.
- 3 Point Challenge racks and prize bin are brand new. The ball racks feature the all new logo and are sporting the color orange.
- New arcade games
- Duck Pond moved to Sesame Street. Much better location in my opinion.
- Festa Italia sign has not returned, nor has the gypsy wagon

These are the only changes I could think of that aren't major that have already been discussed in other threads. Have more to add, post more!
RE: Minor Changes (2013)

As far as I know the concrete pad it has always sat on was removed to make way for the Holiday Hills sign during Christmas Town. I guess this is just yet another piece of important hamlet theming that has vanished. :(
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RE: Minor Changes (2013)

The wagon didn't sit on a concrete pad, it was gravel, and the gravel was still there for the Holiday Hills sign. I can't tell from the pictures but it looks like the gravel was removed, but that is something that can be added back pretty easily.

I do know that the wagon was in pretty bad shape so it's possible that it was damaged when removing it for Holiday Hills or they just took the opportunity to do some repairs and haven't finished/started them yet.
RE: Minor Changes (2013)

Thanks for pointing that out- I had always thought it had a concrete pad. In that case, they better be planning on putting it back ASAP. The area needs it.
RE: Minor Changes (2013)

You know what I see? A POPCORN stand!!
I think there is a big gap between hamlets for this. I know I would definitely use it. Just add a little walkway behind the shrubbery, set up a stand, make it look like a gypsy wagon, add some GLOW & bubbles and a sign pointing the way to Gelato. Presto!!! :cool:
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RE: Minor Changes (2013)

Chickenking: (Warning: Monty Python reference) They could always serve fried herrings on a stick behind the shrubbery, but you have to cut down the mightiest tree in the Forrest with it before they let you leave... alive! Or you could just say "Ni" to them and save you some time.
RE: Minor Changes (2013)

I also would like to point out that soe guests were caught sneaking in and out of said wagon. But I think the deteriorating of the wagon and possible repairs is probably more likely. How old is said wagon?
RE: Minor Changes (2013)

A combination glow stand and popcorn place? Waaay too much awesomeness for me. ;) It's funny, the old wagon actually looks a little like an old-fashioned popcorn stand. Haha
If they fully get rid of the wagon, I'd like to see maybe some flowers go there or something like that. I really like that pathway from Pompeii over to Da Vinci's. The bridge and winding pathway are actually one of my favorite parts of the park.
Was the ancient-looking map that was next to the wagon removed too?
RE: Minor Changes (2013)

Speaking of popcorn stands... (apologies if this was mentioned elsewhere but) the drink/popcorn stand in Festa, next to the bathrooms, is no more. It's been boarded up basically. Looks terrible and is a major shame. I can't fathom that area in the summer with a drink stand. Hopefully this is temporary.
RE: Minor Changes (2013)

Shafor said:
Speaking of popcorn stands... (apologies if this was mentioned elsewhere but) the drink/popcorn stand in Festa, next to the bathrooms, is no more. It's been boarded up basically. Looks terrible and is a major shame. I can't fathom that area in the summer with a drink stand. Hopefully this is temporary.

Oh yes that reminds me!

The snack stand in Festa shall now be a Coke stand! Imagine the Coke Mart by Alpengiest but in Festa in that tent. It will take up approximately 40% of the space in that tent area. It will also sell turkey legs, churros, popcorn, and more but the main treat here will be as you guessed Coke!

This expanded snack stand was rumored for last year until they decided to put arced machines next to the old stand. This year the arcade machines migrated closer to Tradewinds (which by the way is still missing it's signage?) and the snack stand will be expanded.

Also, since we are in that area of the park, Splashus Maximus or better known as water wars has been going through some new signage. Saw some new signs sitting out and about. Exit signs will now display actual arrows on which way to exit. The game's actual sign with prices and rules is being updated to feature new rules, a spelling correction, and a more pleasing look. Some other updates may come later.
RE: Minor Changes (2013)

Party Rocker said:
Also, since we are in that area of the park, Splashus Maximus or better known as water wars has been going through some new signage. Saw some new signs sitting out and about. Exit signs will now display actual arrows on which way to exit. The game's actual sign with prices and rules is being updated to feature new rules, a spelling correction, and a more pleasing look. Some other updates may come later.
I think this thing should be trashed, along with the arcade next to it that isn't used anymore. I mean, that's enough room for a small flat ride. Obviously Festa's already jam-packed with them, but still, even another little kiddie ride like Elephant Run could fit well in there. It's not the best space, but it could work.
I don't think renovating this thing will draw anymore people than it did before it started growing cobwebs on it; which wasn't a whole lot anyway. I could see this as a small project that could lead to a bigger project of renovating Festa (which it is need of having).
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